Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Simple math with heart.

Who isn't up for a challenge? There are those who of course shy away from the opportunity to challenge them self. And who hasn't at some point doubted the choice they made to push their limits, to think that perhaps they are trying to reach too far.

In the end the only person who can set your goals is you. Sure educated folks like trainers and coaches have the technique to make your goals a reality but the inspiration, the impetus, the action all come from within. Whatever crafty devices and insane programs they develop if within you is not the heart to succeed, then you surely will not. It is not what you do for the one, two or three hours a day you do your training, its the twenty-one plus hours you must control your own reality that tests your heart the most.

And you will surely, surely fail. For a moment, a meal, a day, a week. These are blips compared to the years of disservice you did to your health. What is the gorging of a singular gluttonous meal in a week of healthy eating compared years of that same food on a daily basis? None physically. But emotionally and mentally it feels like a complete failure.

Take heart, reader. Rome was not built in a day and your goals will not be reached in such time either. But realize this, it took you years to become the deconditioned, out of shape person that finally, painfully took the first steps toward physical fitness. These can be reversed in months.

In mathematical terms, if your GOAL is the sum total, the equation is CONSISTENCY + INVESTMENT + SACRIFICE.

Consistency is the amount of days you exercise and practice proper nutrition. The closer to 100% you are the better. The investment is into coaching and education. Sure you can reach your goals without investing in professional services, but the investment almost guarantees faster results. Sacrifice is what it is. I have often said that with nutrition, if you just paused a second before putting something in your mouth, there will be a voice in your head that unconsciously tells you this is good or bad for you. If you listen to that voice you sacrifice short term pleasure for long term health. You will sacrifice sleep and time with your family and those alone can trump investments and consistency.

In the end its simple math. What are your goals worth and what are willing to do to reach them.

There's treasure everywhere.


At 9:40 AM, Blogger SingletrackJenny (formerly known as IronJenny) said...


At 4:39 AM, Blogger kodiacbear said...

Hey Comm, I am back and love this-I just emailed it to my brother and sister who need a little boost every now and then. Thanks! And a belated congrats on the newest edition!!


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