Friday, February 20, 2009

Fits and Starts

My life seems to be always in a premature state. I am much to impulsive. I wanted to be able to train again so badly, so I got my start date moved up by a couple months. Then I got a lung infection and then we our baby was born. Have no fear though I am still, Mr. Determined.

I write that as I stare at my $56 box of Girl Scout cookies on the desk across from me. Yup. I support the Girl Scouts. Too bad they don't sell protein cookies or carb gels but nevertheless. Have no fear, GS cookies have no hold on me. I will perhaps have a few Somoas over the weekend but the vast majority are for Mistress and my folks.

My nutrition is actually pretty good, even if my training is not as consistent as I ever want it. 85% of my intake would be considered great, its the 15% that gets me in trouble and keeps me at roughly the same weight. As strong as my willpower is 22 hours a day, I have a seriously lapse in judgment usually between 8p-10p at night.

As much as exercise is important for goals and just a healthy and productive life, nutrition really is about 75% of the plan to get there. All the exercise in the world doesn't matter if the total number of calories is incorrect. Its just sabotage to plow through a sleeve a cookies or handfuls of potato chips when its just indulgent, weak eating.

So as I begin, once again, to string progressively more advanced training sessions together on a consistent basis my nutrition is a minute to minute gut check. No pun intended.


At 12:51 PM, Blogger SingletrackJenny (formerly known as IronJenny) said...

Good luck, Comm - I think we all have our "witching hour"

At 3:56 PM, Blogger J~Mom said...

I am right there with you on 8-10pm!! For some reason I have a snacking impulse after the kids go to bed!

At 7:49 PM, Blogger Duane said...

Congrats on the new baby!

At 8:38 PM, Blogger Coachhrd said...

Exciting about the new baby! Also like the looks of your blog!

At 3:09 AM, Blogger LBTEPA said...

I need to write 'sabotage' on my fridge, or my hand, or the pantry, or the wine rack - or all of the above!


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