Tuesday, December 02, 2008

A goal is not a life

Will you be a triathlete next year?

That is not a question I ask of myself. Its a question I ask of you. It doesn't matter to me if you are or not. What matters to me is that you do something you love; be it swimming, cycling, running or some other form of exercise. We all have our fads. We all have our goals that we'd love to hit, like becoming an Ironman finisher or complete an ultra-endurance race. But is it you?

At some point in our triathlon lives we stop looking at training as fun and more as a job. The dedication wears us down, way to early mornings, not enough sleep at night. Seems like all our nutrients are sucked through an aero drink straw, bottle nipple or foil gel pouch, most of it tasting like some sort of lemon-lime, citrus or fruit punch.

The answer to my question probably won't hit you till a year from now. When after a break you went back to your real exercise passion. Was it triathlon, or just plan running. Maybe something else like skiing or swimming.

Ultimately we all reset to what we get the most pleasure from, the thing we can do day in and day out and its not a chore, its a gift. Finding that gift is what makes trying all the other sports, so much more pleasurable for the time we do it.

There's treasure everywhere.


At 7:06 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I think that sport influences who I am. I firmly believe that the life lessons we learn in sport (whether we are currently training or not) stand us in good stead.

We know we can pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and go at it again (maybe smarter the next time round). That is gem worth treasuring.

At 7:19 AM, Blogger Born To Endure said...

Yes.I believe after 9 years of doing triathlons, it's my passion and I'll still be a triathlete in 2009 and 2010..:-)) God willing!

At 9:41 AM, Blogger ShirleyPerly said...

I LOVE this post!

For me, becoming a black belt, a marathoner, a triathlete, an Ironman/iron finisher or achieving whatever sports goal is not as big a deal as becoming a more fun-loving and balanced person by doing so. I actually love to exercise and train more than I do race, believe it or not. So even if there were no race to do, I'd be doing it. The races just make things more interesting and give me an excuse to travel and try to spend more time with my husband.

At 9:54 PM, Blogger Bill said...

I will not be.

Once again, a significant event (Goddess and I will be moving overseas) will fall right in the middle of the triathlon season, which will completely prevent any meaningful training/racing.

So I will continue my running adventures and look to 2010 for my next triathlon season, which will hopefully include races in France, Germany, Switzerland and Italy.

But whatever I do, it doesn't define who I am. But it is what I do.

Wonderful post, Comm's.


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