Monday, December 01, 2008

Be like Scrooge?

Wow. What a miserable weekend. Hope everyone else had an awesome, tremendous holiday weekend full of fun and love and merriment. Maybe even a little shopping. I think its okay to admit that my weekend did not go well and still be happy for that someone else had a tremendously great weekend. No reason to bum someones high.

I love this time of year and every day that brings us closer to Christmas Day is one more day that no matter what the obstacle, its hard to not smile.

Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving and no matter what issues we as a society are dealing with on a personal level, professional level, financial level or with our individual families, Christmas is the time to give of your heart. In the past our heart has been expressed with gifts. This year your heart may need to be more open. Its good for us. Instead of building up to one big morning (or night) of giving, give openly all month long.

Smile more. Give a stronger more intense handshake. A more sincere hug. Say hi and smile when you make eye contact with a stranger. Be a samaritan. Instead of telling someone, "Good Job", take a full minute to praise how pleased and excited you are that they did what they did. That would be 60x longer than "Good Job" but have 1,000x more impact.

Scrooge learned that lesson, though only in the last few minutes of his story. Being a good employer, friend, relative on every day of the year, is more important that how much you spend for one day a year.

There's treasure everywhere.


At 5:47 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Sorry to hear your weekend wasn't the best Comm's. Hope things go more your way this week!

At 9:09 PM, Blogger the Dread Pirate Rackham said...

my weekend was half sickness, half fun with kiddos. I enjoyed it all, good with bad, turkey with brussels sprouts. hope yours improves soon

At 6:17 AM, Blogger Melissa said...

Sorry your weekend wasn't what you hoped it would be. Thanks for the reminder about giving this holiday season. I like the idea of giving something everyday and I will start today. Thanks.


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