Saturday, November 22, 2008

Throw it all together

Mo woke up this morning throwing up. A trip to Urgent Care tells us he has a sinus infection and we get the script we need to get rid of it. For Mistress, Mo and I this is an easy deal. Just a year ago, simple colds turned into pneumonia overnight. Sinus infections equaled hospital stays. This is the first test of how well the surgeries did in fixing him back in March and we are happy. Mo is happy. A little pain in his cheeks is nothing compared to some of the other stuff he's had. You would almost not know he is ill.

My face was still hurting this morning and I broke down to take Advil. I can't do another Perocet. Sorry Doc's, I know the Advil is killing my kidneys but had to be done. Between the Advil for pain, a sudafed on the off chance its a sinus issue and my first cup of coffee in a week, the pain in my head is almost all gone today. I know my teeth feel loose which is part of the recovery from having other teeth taken out but maybe I just had caffiene withdrawls?

Tonight I am hopefully off to see The Pilgrams, who are staying with our mutal friend Andy. Brian is doing his umpteenth Ironman for the year and though I have talked much with Misty, we have never formally met. Brian is someone I really admire for his consitution. He has been none stop this year on ultra endurace events and he keeps plugging along. He's an inspiration that some time soon I can recover as quickly from endurance events and not have them leave me in dire straights with my body breaking down all the time.

I hope to have the laptop and camera with me tomorrow and uploading photos as the day progresses. I plan on being there for the swim start and then Tacky and I will be following Trimama throughout the day.


At 4:10 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Enjoy your time with Misty & Brian!

Glad to hear Mo's taking the sinus infection well in stride.

At 5:28 PM, Blogger 21stCenturyMom said...

Have you considered taking Tylenol instead of Advil? It's a little easier on your system (I think). Aspirin is good stuff, too.

Please say hello to Misty and Brian for me and send Brian my wishes for a great race!

At 8:10 AM, Blogger Steve Stenzel said...

Good luck to Mo!!

At 9:16 AM, Blogger Melissa said...

Give a shout out to my Iron Cowboy today. If you see him on the run can you yell that Melissa Says Hi. Thanks.

At 3:41 PM, Blogger ShirleyPerly said...

Hope watching IMAZ will help distract you from those unpleasant post-wisdom tooth issues. Glad to hear Mo's is OK!


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