Monday, November 24, 2008

A different take on IMAZ Fall 2008

My goal for the November 2008 Arizona Ironman was to walk the course areas that I remembered so well from six months ago and support my friends supporting their family out on the course.

By 0545 I had guided the Trimama vehicle to a great parking spot close to the transition area and then supported Tacky while he fretted over his beautiful wife before the swim. Using his digicam I took about 200 pictures of him rocking the wetsuit area.

I remember in April exiting the water with an PR of 92 minutes. I ran by Boulder with a huge smile on my face giving him a low-five, I felt great. By coincidence I looked at my watch yesterday when I had that thought and it was almost exactly that time. It triggered a vast range of emotions in me and I stood there holding back tears and eventually letting them stream down my face. It became very emotional for me. It still is.

Big J, Momo's husband, landed a rockstar location for spectating and planted a 40 foot RV on the spot. I called it 'Legend-wait for it-Dary'. It was sitting on the hot corner, five feet off the bike course, 50 feet from the run course, 75 yards from the finish line. I will forever have etched in mind one moment, I am sitting in a leather captains chair, feet up, looking out the front of the RV window, spectators are looking at us in awe, cyclists are speeding past and I tilt my eyes slightly up to catch the football game on sattelite. Big J, you are an incredible man and I truly appreciate what you did not just for me or the other bloggers but for your wife.

I walked down a bit from the RV and saw several friends, all solicitious to my health and wishing me well on this day. They understood the pain I was feeling inside. The turmoil of my failed body and my iron spirit. I stood at the last spot I saw my soul brother Bolder as I headed out on my final lap.The final photograph taken of me on an ironman course done at this spot. Its an awesome picture. It hangs not only in my house but my parents. I love that photograph. Lots of layers to it.

I drove Tacky to the other side of the bike course to see Trimama at the beginning of Beeline. Three of my best friends Dr. Jeff, his wife Wendy and Hardcore Mike were volunterring on the corner. The same corner I laid in agony for several minutes as Mike, Wendy, Mistress and others tended me in April. In a moment of haste I had Mike verify where I laid and Tacky took a picture of me laying down in that spot. We laughed but later it made me feel dirty. Like I trampled a grave. My grave.

The run was confusing for me. It was not hard to give inspiration to those who needed it, but the sense of dread keep working against me. Thankfully there were so many wonderful people to keep my spirit strong. I gained a tremendous amount of strength from everyone, specail recognition to Bigun for the skype chat, but especially TriDogMom, IronShane, and SupaLinds.

You three, thank you from the bottom of my heart for our conversation. It was humbling.

Watching Momo finish and then sitting there as she held court, was again emotional for me. She had the ultimate day. That race where your efforts provide a result better than ever hoped for or expected.

I missed Trimama finish. But in the end, as much as I love her and her husband as dear friends, my job for the day was done. My focus was keeping Tacky loose and worry free as we hunted his wife down on the course. It did not feel right for me to stick around. TriMama needed her husband at the end of that race to share the moment together. I know when threes a crowd. I headed home with a mix of emotions and in the end another day of great memories.

I didn't think I would leave with as many great memories at Ironman spectating, as I would racing. I was wrong.

There's treasure everywhere.


At 11:08 AM, Blogger Fumo Santo said...

It sounds like you had a great day.

We were down there for the start, and brought our Mt bikes down to get around easier. I too had a lot of emotions as that cannon went off. I found some lost inspiration yesterday which is giving me the kickstart I was looking for.

We were looking for you, to say hi but ultimately couldn't find you.

At 12:47 PM, Blogger Carrie said...

Great ending- treasure everywhere. You are a great treasure as well. Nice chatting with you for a couple of minutes!

At 3:03 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

There is, indeed, treasure everywhere Comm's.

At 4:58 PM, Blogger Fe-lady said...

It was great to finally meet you in person...and yes, it WAS a great day.
Glad you found some humor, peace and lay some other things to rest.

At 10:07 AM, Blogger momo said...

comm, i can't imagine how hard it would be to not be able physically to do the things that you love. please find comfort in knowing that your presence, your guidance, your love of our sport is an inspiration - not just to me, but to many, many others out there.

thank you for being part of my day. it was incredible, made even more so by being able to share it with you.

At 2:47 PM, Blogger Brent Buckner said...

Sounds like you got a lot out of the day - good.

Thanks for supporting the peeps!

At 3:24 PM, Blogger Duane said...

Great post! Ir was really good to see you! I didn't get to take you out to dinner, next November we are going out!

At 8:24 AM, Blogger Iron Krista, "The Dog Mom" said...

Comm, I'm SO glad that you were down there last Sunday. I do remember how hard it is to be at the events that you want be on the other side of. There was a time a few years ago, I didn't know if I would ever be able to run again... I remember that feeling so well.

That said, I've gained even MORE respect for you. You ARE an IRONMAN!



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