Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Are you a Loser?

Tonight is the premiere of the third season of Biggest Loser on NBC. This show is pure gold. I love watching people reaching fitness goals, be it through physical activity or diet or both. You get my point.

There are very few shows on TV that will actually make me very emotional or even teary eyed. Yes, I am not a fan of the "overly emotional for no reason contestant", but for those that watched last season, the turmoil that the two brothers went through in just playing the game and who would leave and who would sacrifice them self for the other is something that couldn't have been forced through a script.

The best part of reality shows is meeting the new contestants and making judgments on their personality. Who will be gone right away? Who might make it? Who will surprise me? I am always surprised by the determination some people put into their fitness program and not an episode goes by that I don't want to go for a run after.

If you have never watched this program, thinking that its just another silly, over wrought, reality show. You are cheating yourself.


At 5:54 AM, Blogger :) said...

I love lovelovelove this show. I watch it every season, every episode.

At 5:55 AM, Blogger Born To Endure said...

I can't wait to watch it either..it's so motivational. Sometimes I wish I had all day to train and had someone pushing me all the way to be my very best..woot!

At 6:03 AM, Blogger Spandex King said...

My wife got me hooked on this show. I thought it was another stupid reality tv show. I love it for the same reasons as you.

At 7:56 AM, Blogger Fumo Santo said...

I'm a big fan of this show as well; however I don't like the 'gimmicky' things the networks do for ratings, such like TBL: Families and TBL: Couples...
So I'm a little bummed that this season is a "Family" competition and not back to it's original format.
As you said, the brothers last season really kept viewers watching, so even though the show isn't scripted, the network always finds a way to milk out a surprise success and direct the show targeted to those successes.
With that said however, my DVR is fired up and set to record.

At 9:58 AM, Blogger bigmike600 said...

Show helped my wife and I lose over 350 combined pounds and discovered triathlons.

So you might say we are BIG FANS of the show.

At 10:04 AM, Blogger 21stCenturyMom said...

I like the show, too and I think the family thing is cool. Short term it is great to see people do something they never thought they could do. Most of the contestants are people who thought it was literally impossible for them to lose weight and were sure they had tried everything.

What I don't like is that it is totally unrealistic, they don't talk enough about nutrition and most of the contestants gain back a significant percentage of the weight which is sad.

I'd like to see them add a component that speaks to a long term plan as well as the sort term plan of losing as much weight as possible in the timeframe of the contest.

At 6:51 PM, Blogger M said...


Considering all the crap "reality" stuff on tv, this is definately one of the most positive.

At 5:59 AM, Blogger Melissa said...

big mike, if you lost that much weight I do not think that we can call you BIG fans anymore. :-) Congrats on the weightloss.

I tried out for the show once, but wasn't picked. It was the season they picked 1 person from each state. I waited in line a long time and found out later she was picked early in the day. I had fun though.

At 4:22 PM, Blogger Iron Krista, "The Dog Mom" said...

I watched this for the first time last night... chills the entire time. I was going to blog about it today, but just haven't taken the time to do so. yet....


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