Thursday, September 04, 2008

The Abundance Mentality

How apt is it, that a post about having an Abundance Mentality falls on my 1,500 post at Common Man Syndrome.

Yesterday I wrote about the Scarcity Mentality, a mental position people have where obstacles and time management are more consuming than the burning desire to accomplish a big huge goal. The Scarcity Mentality leads a person to believe that nothing more can be created from the one pie we get each day, or more appropriately no more hours in a day. The scarcity mentality is akin to a victim attitude where everything happens to you and you have no control.

The Abundance Mentality is the stark opposite. This position is a place where anything is possible. There is not one pie in a day that is constantly being nibbled by time, and problems but there is another pie when that one is gone, then another. There is always enough when you have a big enough desire and great enough will. Those that want something the most, always find a way to get it.

When you find your burning desire, found a goal worthy of your sacrifice and investment, it can fail in a moment if you don't realize that YOU can do anything if you put your mind, heart and feet into it. The Abundance mentality will allow you to prioritize your day and see through the seams. Make changes to your routine and create new habits that are in line with your burning desire, like say, going to bed one hour early instead of channel surfing so you can wake up one hour early to workout.

Thinking in abundance is thinking with a mind of openness. Obstacles at work and home are not wasted with useless intent rather with clear focus. An affirmation I use that is universal to work, home, during training or races is the following, "I attract what I radiate."

When you radiate fear or greed or exhibit any lack in life, (all scarcity) that is what you will get in return. However if you radiate enthusiasm, inspiration, success (all abundance) you will get that in return.

Let me talk about myself for a moment, I know I have but one body. I know that I have damaged my body in so many different ways, it sits today with a barely tenuous grip on normal existence. To many doctors have said and continue to council, that my life of exercise and exertion is over. I can live a long life if I simply embrace the life of the Common Man. That to me is a life of scarcity. I live in a life of abundance. I will continue to have a positive outlook and determine success based on my efforts, not someone else's opinion.

I may be crippled in my endurance pursuits. I may never race again. But I am determined to do the best with what I've got and if the extent of my endurance future is only a 5k or God willing a Sprint or Olympic triathlon then I will give it my all with the same intensity and determination I had at longer distances.

I radiate what I attract according to the thoughts, feelings and mental pictures I constantly entertain and radiate. I choose to accept health, happiness and success. I now chose lavish abundance for myself and for all mankind. This is a rich friendly universe and I dare to except its riches, its hospitality and enjoy them now.

The abundance mentality is nothing more than taking your normal inclination of, "I don't have time", "I don't have the energy", "I can't do it," and making them a positive declaration of your intent to accomplish your burning desire. Thinking with abundance brings love, enthusiasm, hard work and commitment together in one tight well oiled machine.


At 1:27 PM, Blogger Iron Krista, "The Dog Mom" said...

I absolutely LOVE this post!


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