Monday, September 08, 2008

Kidneys suck but blood is royal

Mo had his first organized team sports game on Saturday morning. He is playing flag football. The coach told Mistress and I afterward that he was pleasantly surprised at his hustle and ability to take direction. He is hoping to make him a running back if he does better. However for the next couple of games he will play defense as there is no 'plays' except, "Whoever has the ball, grab their flag."

The long and short of it for me is that between the game and several hours of work around the house afterward, a bathroom break surprised me with very dark colored urine and a sore lower back. From that point on I spent the remainder of the weekend on the couch pushing fluids. By Sunday night I was back in the yellow.

My dad got back Sunday morning from a consulting gig he had in Hawaii for the last month. My mom flew out for the last week. The brought lots of great shirts and chocolates and rubber tree sandals. Also some great information.

As I have written about before, my dad is Hawaiian. My mother is Dutch, which is why my brother and I are look like Haoles. In any regard, mom and dad were able to met with more relatives and he found out we are direct descendants to the royal family. When I asked how far removed, he laughed and said, "The closest family with less than seven letters in the name." For those unfamiliar with Hawaiian last names, many have between twelve and eighteen characters. I took it from the response we're pretty fricken far down the list, but I am apparantly royalty. Now I can cue up all those day dreams I had about someone showing up out of the blue to bestow upon me a lavish inheritance.

The kicker that makes me smile a lopsided grin is the affirmation I wrote on my bathroom mirror last week and read every morning. "Today is a new me."


At 7:40 AM, Blogger 21stCenturyMom said...

Of course you are royalty- duh!

I think anyone of Hawaiian descent can trace their roots to the royal family. Maybe you can get a piece of the Bishop trust!

What the heck are rubber tree sandals?

At 8:23 AM, Blogger Unknown said...


Oh, and Mo looks he's having a great time!!

(Notice how I focus on the salient details!)

At 9:21 AM, Blogger Flo said...

Comm, we may be related. Okay, not me and you but you and Hubby. Our last name is Hulihe'e, like the palace on the Big Island that was built by Kamehameha I's brother. So we are probably family if we go back far enough :)

At 11:39 AM, Blogger Carrie said...

If E & D were born there...then maybe somehow you're related to MY kids. At least Mo could potentially attend Kamehameha schools.

At 4:13 PM, Blogger Bigun said...

My mom is Dutch too! I'm 50% Dutch...25% Italian, and 25% English. You gotta love the Dutch:

Wooden Head
Wooden Shoes
Wooden Listen!


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