Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Healing Grounds

I know that my life completely changed on 9/11. In no small part 9/11 made me commit to triathlon after decades of being a gym rat, body builder or workaholic. I realized that I could no longer spend ten hours a week enjoying my fitness pursuits indoors and had to move outside. I realized that our lives are far to short and I did not appreciate the wonders of this world enough. It changed my mindset, my nutrition and my fitness goals. I was moving to slow and not living a life of purpose, vision and direction, though I had done much in it already.

While most in the media will mention this day's significance only in passing at the top and bottom of the hour I will spend time at the Tempe Healing Grounds. I will also ignore the arm chair generals who will second guess whether this or that course of action was best and what that meant for the country. Instead I will focus on almost 3,000 flags.

Each 3'x5' flag stands on a white eight foot pole. Each flag has the name and information of a person who died in the attacks. I will be overwhelmed at the loss of life. I will sniffle and I will well up, holding back the tears. Maybe not being so successful at it. I will make it impossible to ignore the families that are without husbands, wives, moms, dads, children, or siblings. These people suffered tremendous pain. I will do my part to shoulder that burden if but for an hour or two.

Take time today to think about how different your family would be if you suddenly were not in it. Think for a moment about your place in life. Consider what you really want to do or be in life, better spouse, athletic pursuit, business opportunity, volunteerism. Then do it. It may take years but take that path.

My path today will wind through 3,000 flags. Outdoors, where the sun will shine and I will give thanks that since September 11, 2001, I have moved so much closer to the richer, fuller life that I wanted.

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At 9:42 AM, Blogger J~Mom said...

I met some friends there last night to run and they already had the flags up. It's so overwhelming to see them like that. Thanks for the post today.


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