Friday, August 22, 2008

Tired old speech

Ya know what? It a helluva lot easier to lose weight when you can exercise. This Jane Fonda workout crap is just not cutting it. My eating has been as clean as its been in two or three years. Very little alcohol, if any in a week. No candy bars. Oh Lord, how it hurts, but no Taco Bell. No fast food. Very few impulse snacks. Smaller meals. More colorful meals. Drinking water every hour. I couldn't be happier on that front.

The training however. Guh. Frustrating. These limitations are tough to work around. Yesterday I did my first pool swim since IMAZ, I've done some open water (OW) stuff, but Thursday I pulled out the book, (wow! amazon even had the workout from the book online). Great book by the way. Got about half way through the workout and my HR was 150 bpm and not falling. So I bailed. Not supposed to be over 140 bpm. It was plenty enough for a workout but wanted more. Bilateral breathing felt good but on my off-side breath, I dropped my reaching arm like an anchor. Need to fix that.

I really am not comfortable in my own body right now. I feel heavy. Thick. The glimpses I get in windows don't match with the vision of myself in my mind. Mind you I am only about ten pounds over my IM racing weight but have never felt bigger.

This is not a pity party post. I am firmly I will get where I want to go regardless of the limitations my body has right now. It will turn. Good habits are in place. Consistancy is, consistant. I really wish I was busting road like all of you training for IMMoo, IMKY, IMAZ, IMFL. Hell I'd settle for busting road like a sprint race. haha.

"Charlie Mike" (Continue the Mission)
or If you have been watching Generation Kill on HBO, the Marines will say "Oscar Mike," radio talk for (On the Move)



At 10:01 PM, Blogger M said...

Funny - I had these same thoughts today. I was lamenting in my head about how i don't look like I did at IM time - I feel heavy, soft. And I get frustrated because I do workout, but not with the duration or inensity of those few months pre-IM. So I checked myself and thought, "No, how you are now is how you are regular, and there is nothing wrong with regular right now. You can't always be at IM fitness" Sometimes this helps, sometimes not. But I feel your pain.

At 7:20 AM, Blogger Bolder said...

let's discuss this.

i've had some new thoughts in the area on 'food as fuel'...

At 10:28 AM, Blogger TriDaddy said...

Even clean food will put you overweight if you eat too much.

The only thing that works for me, is a monetary budget. If I have free reign to buy food when I please I'll overeat simply because I like the taste of things. You could save the excess money for the little one's college plan.

I also weaned myself off just about all energy supplements except the very low cal stuff like Nuun and e-caps (and gels with caffeine, cause I need me some caffeine during training and racing!)


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