Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The rest of the year

Well, we can't put the genie back in the bottle. Mistress and I had told a few of our closest friends about the pregnancy and we have had some close calls with Mo finding out. Ironically enough, one yesterday. Based on some great feedback I got from readers, we are going to tell Mo tonight that he is going to be a big brother. I am hoping to get a video camera on him for his reaction and put it online this week.

Because of my HR issues last week from just ordinary outdoor activity, Mistress and I had to talk about me not dying before the baby is born or being put on dialysis. That was surreal. The retreat last week was to be my final step in testing where my recovery was at and it turned out being a big fat 'F'. This will not be easy or simple. Its somewhat tiring that after all this time, four months now, that I still have to explain to training partners why I can't do this or that. Hell I only took off three weeks for a fractured tibia in 2006. I was the 'man' when it came to training through physical issues. Now it seems by embracing Common Man Syndrome I might actually live longer....I didn't say I'd live better.

I am still undaunted that I can get past this and eventually get back to normal training. My doctors thinks this as well. I just need to find the balance between HARDcore and SOFTcore training. I am applying more effort into my nutrition and working on my consistency. I figure if I can't run, walk. If I can't ride outside, ride inside. Swimming is swimming. Weights need to be used smartly. Even if I can get back up to six hours a week, I'd be pretty happy for a while.

The rest of this year is going to go by so frickken fast. I'm going to hang on as best I can.


At 11:10 AM, Blogger Bigun said...

Dude! You need new training partners! If you have to explain anything to folks after what you've been through...well, those "partners" need to have thier heads examined. Don't make me come down there!

At 11:38 AM, Blogger 21stCenturyMom said...

You're the DadMan now!

Have you ever considered something like Pilates? It's harder than you think and it builds strength from the inside out without putting so much stress on the body.

And walking is good - very enjoyable. Seriously.

Your innards just have to take primetime for a while and I agree with BigUn - if your training partners don't get it just cold cock them as a gentle reminder that you are strong, but on restriction.

At 12:37 PM, Blogger Carrie said...

training partners=enablers!

In several months, you won't have time to worry about heart rates and exertion...just diapers and sleep deprivation. I think your timing is impeccable...more of a blessing that you can imagine.

Oh, and I can't wait to see Mo's reaction. I'm visualizing the Home Alone aftershave scene. That was pretty much D's reaction when E was born. Holding her, he looked down, cupped his hand to his mouth...looked back up with a smile...back down with cupped mouth and gasp...repeated several times.

At 12:56 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Genies are like that!

It sounds to me like your training partners aren't fully understanding the gravity of your situation. That is not uncommon when you look fine. (How can you be sick, or say, unable to stand on a moving bus if you appear to be young and healthy?) But naturally, Mistress is right. No dying. Or dialysis. Period.

At 7:13 AM, Blogger ShirleyPerly said...

Congrats on the big news!! Sorry the training partners don't seem very understanding. Now with a baby on the way, the stakes are much higher and hopefully they'll get it through their heads how important it is that you not overdo things.


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