Friday, July 18, 2008

One sided

All my blogging and email reading in Seattle has been through my phone. For some reason I've been unable to send emails but can recieve them.

Thank you for the messages, they have been a boon to me. Since yesterday its been quite emotional for me. Stress and money and the unknown do that. Reading the emails has kept me smiling.

I hit 100,000 veiwers this week. I am as always humbled.


At 11:22 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

100,000! That's impressive!

At 12:17 PM, Blogger :) said...

You should have charged a dollar a visit! :D

Wait...then I would owe you a ton of money...

At 2:14 PM, Blogger M said...

Just read the updates, and for some reason I found myself very emotional about you and what you are going through.

I think it is because your mental strength and perspective is so positive, but at the same time you are able to express your vulnerability. This whole thing has been so up and down for you, but you keep pushing through it to get your answers, make the changes, and get back to a life you once knew.

Your ordeal is very much on our minds over here. We are wishing you the best.

At 3:02 PM, Blogger Nancy Toby said...

Go Comm! You've got a lot of people out here cheering for you! CAN'T YOU HEAR US YET?


At 8:13 PM, Blogger dpc said...

Routing for you, bud! Kick some parasite butt!! dpc

At 6:52 AM, Blogger 21stCenturyMom said...

Go Commodore! I'm so glad you are doing this expensive as it is. We want you to be happy and safe and that means heads up training that doesn't hurt your body.

Jenny Moore is sitting here trying to send you message on a weak signal (that apparently hates Macs) to tell you she loves you and hopes that things continue to pick up.

At 2:15 AM, Blogger Kewl Nitrox said...

Hang in there Comm. You know I am a Christian, but I do believe in this heatiness (fire) and coolness (water) thing in Eastern medicine. I think it is just another way of describing the balance that God intended to be in our lives.

There is indeed quite a lot of superstition and mythology in Chinese medicine, but I don't think that's reason to throw out the baby with the bath water. For example, in Chinese medicine, we do not try to kill germs/bateria, but instead aim to restore balance. If you have "weak" kidneys, there are specific foods that may help that. I can try to find out more if you would like. But more important than that, I will pray for you - for healing and for strength, peace and joy despite the uncertainties and the discomfort.

God Bless!

At 5:00 AM, Blogger Bigun said...

I think we are missing the easiest remedy of all: change your hair color. Reddish hair is the bain of your fiery existance...get out the color....perhaps a black or even just bleach it out blonde. Who knew a $8 bottle of hair color could have solved all these issues?

At 6:06 AM, Blogger Kate said...


Still thinking about you and hope all is going well. Be patient, I am confident that you will have get some answers. (I just sounded like a fortune cookie!) Hahaha.

At 7:22 AM, Blogger Brent Buckner said...

I suppose you're back at your day-to-day responsibilities today. Glad you carved out the time and money to attend to long-run priorities.

Keep chippin' away - I'm told that's how sculptures are made!

At 7:47 AM, Blogger Melissa said...

Comm, 100,000 visitors is an impressive number, but not surprising. You are an impressive guy. I will continue to pray for your recovery, your patience in teh process, and for your wonderful family.

Take care,


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