Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Training privileges have been revoked.

There are multiple layers to contend with here but a big sway on the part of the doctors was the temperature outside. The last five days have all been over 110* with single digit humidity (8% as I write this) so regardless if inside/outside, day/night, every body fights dehydration now. Even with our a/c set to 79* inside, sleeping under a fan and with humidifiers going, hydration is a battle I am losing.

I think I have mentioned earlier that I am having a hard time with clearing my urine despite copious amounts of hydration. Well breaking down my body by exercise is not going to improve that condition. Add heat. Add physical, intellectual and emotional stress. Add already damaged kidneys and liver. The sum total is I am already and still behind the eight ball.

In reviewing what training I have done since they told me I could, the doctors also factored in that I was too aggressive from their point of view. They released me to do activities that kept exertions low and promoted general health, NOT specific training for triathlons and CrossFit programs which is what I have been doing. My bad. hehe.

So its back the trinity of civilian live often mentioned by my first Platoon leader many years ago, "You'd rather be home eating bon bons, drinking Schlitz, and fingering (pervert) your remote control."

Fortune Favors the Bold.



At 2:34 PM, Blogger :) said...

Dude. Please take it easy.

Seriously...I am asking in the nicest way. If I need to come tie you down, have mistress let me know.

At 2:36 PM, Blogger Nancy Toby said...

I was thinking about your earlier statement "Fitness is my life". Um, it's never sounded like it to me. Higher, faster, farther, more reps - yeah, that I would believe! But that's not necessarily fitness and HEALTH.

Sounds like you're getting a re-education in what fitness and health is these days. Sorry you got into it the hard way.

At 6:02 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Be careful, Comm's. We say it because we care!!

At 4:45 AM, Blogger ShirleyPerly said...

Bummer ... But glad you're taking it seriously.

Maybe time to consider moving to a cooler climate? I'm thinking that perhaps living in AZ might not be good for your health long term as hot as it is most of the year ...

At 5:34 AM, Blogger momo said...

comm, its AWFUL outside. the past few days i've just felt parched. take it easy and do what the doctors say.

big hugs!

At 8:00 AM, Blogger Jumper 2.0 said...

Really, nobody should be training in that kind of weather. Not any less depressing I realize, but it is the truth.

Take it easy now and save your strength for a better time.

At 11:11 AM, Blogger Bill said...

Yeah, what they said.

Hell, it's hitting 115 every day here now w/ <10% humidity. And I'm waiting until 10pm to get out there.

Pay attention to mistress and the doctor.


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