Monday, June 16, 2008

Stopping at the lights

The heat has really hit the roof here, its been over 110 the last few days and will be over that for the week. I am finding it harder to keep the urine anywhere near clear/yellow and that has been my leading indicator to exercise. When its too dark, I don't risk anything outdoors. I am learning.

Of course I could learn to do stuff indoors, buts that's another story.

I have loved sleeping in before work and having more time with the family at night. Its almost like a normal life in America. I've taken so much off of Mistresses plate that she has the time and energy to read before bed. Something she hasn't done in years.

I am still antsy for exercise but my motivation is not where it used to be. I guess after two months, has it only been two months since the hospital, I am finally contemplating my mortality ahead of my motivation. Fitness is my life and its ever present in my thoughts but so is enjoying where fitness has brought me.

I know that some day soon the mental alarm clock in my head will wake me up at a quarter to five and I will get back to the morning program. That one hour of my day that is either "the preclude to things to come later on" or t"he only training I was able to squeeze in." But it got done.

Charlie Mike


At 11:57 AM, Blogger :) said...

You will know when it is time to start up again. Just make sure your body agrees. Stay cool, brother...

At 12:42 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Listening to your body is so very important, and often so very, very difficult.

I'm glad to hear you, Mistress and Mighty Mo are enjoying some bonus family time.

At 12:55 PM, Blogger Steve Stenzel said...

Good luck with your pee! Seriously. That sounds funny, but you know what I mean...

At 12:34 PM, Blogger Oldman said...

listen to your will tell you!


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