Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Sitting is Active Recovery?

When you watch the local news tonight take a gander at the southwest and you'll see its now pretty hot. Not officially hot, that happens when the ten day forecast is nothing but 110+ degree highs and 90 degree lows. On the flip side I did hear that Aspen's Ski Lodge will be open this weekend for Fathers Day. Last chance to hit the snow!

I have been a good boy, if not a bit lazy. Last Saturday I went to a triathlon and volunteered. Just doing my part and it was enough to wipe me out the rest of the day. It made me a little worried about training.

Since Ironman and the whole liver & kidney failure thing, I drink about a gallon of water a day, if not more. Since Saturday, no matter how much I drink I can't get my urine to clear out. It goes from tea to yellow but as of yet it hasn't been close to clear. So to be honest I have been giving myself a forced rest. I may try to do a little something today just to test the color of my next #1 but nothing to hard. In the meantime I have been trying not to exert myself too much and drink as much fluids as I can. Sittings enough right?

I figure its going to cost about eight grand out of pocket to cover the hospitals, doctors, tests and travel I will have to do this year to get my Rhabdo under control. That's a tough pill to swallow, but we have to believe that in the end, I will have all the answers I need to live a healthy and productive life. Its an investment in my future.

I have received two of three tests from the Seattle clinic that I can do at home. I have to follow some routines for a couple weeks before I can complete them and send them in. A third test will be coming soon. Then it looks like a trip up there.

I really hope all of you in the midwest are okay and sorta dry. My thoughts are will all of you.

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At 3:22 PM, Blogger :) said...

Dude...I am tired of the heat already. Heading out for a run later when it "cools" off a little...

At 3:40 PM, Blogger Jana said...

Good to know about your pee. Good luck with that... you better take care of yourself!

At 4:14 PM, Blogger Bigun said...

the 'ol Bennie pee test. I've got to get my labido under control too. I may just have another test tonight!

At 9:17 PM, Blogger ShirleyPerly said...

It is surprising cool here in Kona due to the VOG. Will need to re-acclimate when I get back to the steamy swamp.

Good to hear you've been a good boy!

At 11:30 PM, Blogger LBTEPA said...

The investment - $$$ and patience! - will be worth it, cause you're worth it

At 2:19 AM, Blogger Kate said...

You are definitely worth the money. :)

And yes, we are completely underwater here in Nebraska. Ugh, makes training out on the bike interesting!


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