Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Those Liars

Whomever wrote or said that after buying a bike the only other big purchase you will make in triathlon will be a wet suit. LIARS!

Do you know how many pairs of swim goggles I have had to buy at a minimum of 15 bucks a pop? Don't get me started. I lose them. I leave them. I forget to get them back. Only about 25% of the brands fit my face and the rest leak, but the ones I need are never for sale where I need them fast. I have masks for open water and races. I have goggles for pools. Sometimes I switch that up. I have clear lenses and smoked lenses. Occasionally I will try a super sexy pair and be completely disappointed. I forget that I have a pair in the car and buy a new pair. I tend to buy all black models and have deep black bags that I put them in so I can't see them and usually can't feel them when I reach inside.

I own more swim goggles than running shoes. Do you have the same problem?


At 12:28 PM, Blogger Carrie said...

I have a problem with a comfortable fit so I tend to buy a new pair thinking that I've finally found a pair that won't dig into my sockets or leak.

I go old school with the foam- I know they don't last as long but all the others cut my swim workouts short. Last night before bed I looked in the mirror and said, "you look like hell" as my cicled, blood red eyes stared back at me. I feel your pain.

It's all about the mask but the mask looks so dorky in the pool.

At 12:43 PM, Blogger Cliff said...


i got three pairs. Two clears one and one prescribed pair.

If I do more open water swim, I would want ot get a tinted pair as well.

At 12:47 PM, Blogger Afternoon Tea With Oranges said...

I'm thinking that your problem could be gender related. My son has the same problem, only I'm the one who has to keep purchasing his goggles (he's 10 so I can't shove him into the workforce quite yet). He does all those same things, though, and I often find perfectly new pairs of goggles in weird places.

I don't have that problem though. I have the same pair of goggles I had 8 months ago, and they only replacing because of normal wear and tear. ;)

At 1:56 PM, Blogger Iron Pol said...

I might note that goggles are comparatively small. Bike, big. Wetsuit, big. Goggles, teenie-tiny.

I have bought exactly two pair of goggles. The first, when I originally got serious about this thing called triathlon. Some special (pronounced "expensive") pair of Barracuda. Some anazing setup that keeps water out without gouging into your eye sockets. Something about pressure. I'm apparently inept, as they were good for keeping water out for 10, maybe 15 yards.

Then, I bought my current cheapy Tyr goggles. They dig in a bit, especially after a few thousand yards, but they keep the water out.

Even so, they are still EXTREMELY small when compared to The Polar Express.

At 3:38 PM, Blogger Bolder said...

two words:




At 5:01 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

i once bought some pretty new goggles... and then left them in the car. in the summer. in utah. and they melted. benny almost divorced me for that little stunt.

At 6:48 PM, Blogger tri-mama said...

Just wait til Mo can swim.... that's when you start the buy one get one shopping.

At 7:49 PM, Blogger TriDaddy said...

Thought I lost my goggles once. Checked my bag one million times... not there. Bought another pair. Came home after work and dumped my bag and voila there are the goggles. They should make bags that are white on the inside so people like us can find our gear!

At 1:42 AM, Blogger Kewl Nitrox said...

I have deep sunken eyes and bushy eye brows and a low Asian nose bridge, so finding masks and goggles that fit is a bit of a challenge. :)

I love my AquaSphere Seal mask (dragon model for Asian faces) but it started leaking a few weeks back and is back at the shop for repairs. :( I am not using AquaSphere Eagle goggles - they are really cool as you can change the lens (smoke and clear). They are figity to fit but once fitted, they keep the water out pretty well.

Oops... I digressed... No, I don't have the same problem. I only have one mask and one pair of goggles. Having a wife that nags at me for leaving stuff around helps. ;)

At 1:43 AM, Blogger Kewl Nitrox said...

Oops, I meant I am NOW using Aquasphere eagle goggles... :)

Oh, and the mask only started leaking after 2 years (yes, I am cheap to use a mask that long).

At 6:24 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Aquasphere Seal Mask. Accept no substitutes. At least if you have an eye orbit plate. Don't care if I look dorky. I can see.

I confess I've never lost 'em. Possibly because they're so blessed expensive ...

At 10:49 AM, Blogger Bigun said...

done the mask - went back to the first pair every bought - the speedos with the foam gasket - tried rubber gasket - no good. So, still have the first pair (nearly 2 years old), a spair (same goggles) and the mask which I might as well throw away. Tried TYR - the hard plastic nose bridge broke after 2 swims - won't do them again. As for shoes - I've been putting way too much mileage on them and have only bought one per year for the past 3 years...but that will change this year, and maybe I'll buy 2...

At 8:16 PM, Blogger Dawn - Pink Chick Tris said...

I bought my first pair (pink of course) at IMF last year. Still have em and love em. However, almost everytime I go swimming I find a pair that someone has left behind in the changing room and turn them into Lost & Found.

At 10:09 AM, Blogger SingletrackJenny (formerly known as IronJenny) said...

Comm - my arm hits the Aquasphere masks, although they are really comfortable on my face.
My favorites? Speedo. The ones for kids in the toy aisle at Target. Eight dollars or something like that.
I laughed when I saw what iron pol said about the Barracudas - only leak-proof for 10-15 yards... the same thing for me!!


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