Monday, February 19, 2007

A weekend of Which Ways

Sunday a few of us were going to run a half marathon called Lost Dutchman. Most of us forgot about it except Andy, who slept in race morning through 2 alarms so he missed it too. We had decided to run two expanded loops of IM AZ including the hill on Curry. Andy did make it for that, to our surprise.

A group of us took off for the first loop way to fast for me, so I stuck to a slower pace for the second. Somewhere along the way, it was decided to finish the second loop running down the street and climbing 'A' Mountain a quarter mile paved literally straight up affair just off course from the Soma and Ironman finish lines.

Turns out everyone else decided to do two more miles and I did the mountain myself. Ouch the hamstrings and calves are crying today.

I was not the only one with screwed up directions. Back at the Lost Dutchman half race, apparently the lead runners ran off course for several miles taking the entire race with them. An RD in a truck had to get out there and tell people to turn around. Turns out the lead runners did closer to 17 miles for a half marathon and some middle packers did 15 or more. Andy would have certainly been in the lead pack of this race so he was quite relieved he missed it.

It didn't look like it but it was hot out. I felt hammered the whole rest of the day and it was exposure. The red nose and cheeks of suntan are a good sign of that as well.


At 7:19 AM, Blogger DV said...

i think i'd drop that race from next years schedule; i can run myself lost without paying a fee!

At 12:13 PM, Blogger Iron Krista, "The Dog Mom" said...

my brother in law did the half last weekend - he was pretty mad about the extra couple miles.

And, I TOTALLY agree about the EXPENSES! This sport is crazy :-) But, we love it!


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