Sunday, December 16, 2007

One Thousandth and fifty seventh rule of Triathlon

We all know rule #1 of Triathlon: "Don't try anything new in a race. "

Well if there isn't a rule for the next quote, I ask it be made rule #1057: "Don't call a team mate about getting into a lottery race when you know he's on his bike."

Here is the sictch'ia'tion that involves a certain team mate that shall remain nameless, but not link-less. On Saturday said unknown teammate did not show up for a scheduled bike workout after just days earlier proclaiming loudly he entered the fall IMAZ 08 race. He lives less than half a mile from the meet up. So several of us rode over and reminiscent of a gang of boys on BMX bikes we came to a skidded halt in front of his garage sale.

Without speaking to him and addressing only his wife, we asked if her husband could come out and play and when she eagerly said "Yes." We told him he had 15 minutes to get ready and we'd be back to get him.

What ensued was a great time for 25 miles of my 60 mile ride. He rode strong. We talked and fellowshipped. When we parted, he to go home to the warmth of his house and family and I to grind out another 25 miles of Spartan like training in 45 degree weather, he knew there was another ride/run brick the following morning at 9 a.m. And that is the key to this story and this rule.

Later that night the first list of lottery names rolled down for Escape From Alcatraz. Did the unnamed team mate who made the list, realizing the incredibly step hills and difficult race come to the workout the next morning? No.

Instead what many of us got were phone calls reminiscent of tele-marketing barrages speaking of his good fortune for which I heartily congratulate. But again I was riding a route that started a half mile from his house! Do you see my point here?

And lets be honest I am a bit jealous, I didn't make the first cut and being one of elevenity-eight people that he called about making the list only made the fact he did and didn't show up for the workout, FOR THE WORST EXCUSE EVER, only served to make my brick that much better. Maybe had he used THIS product the night before he would have made the ride.

After riding 60 miles on Saturday averaging 19 mph, 93 cadence with average HR of 131; On Sunday as I got his call I was riding 40 miles with similar gusto and then capped it off with a 50 minute 10k (8:02 pace, thanks to my rabbit Jeff).

So once again, congratulations to those that I know made the first cut. I am jealous and waiting for the final list in February to see if I made it. In the meantime, I am going to train with a Fever inside me and make every workout, everyday count for my upcoming races.

Because you just never know when Preparation meets Opportunity.


At 10:59 PM, Blogger 21stCenturyMom said...

I'm in the same camp you are in, Commodore. Totally bummed I didn't get in on the first cut and really hoping for better luck in Feb. Fingers crossed!

At 7:29 AM, Blogger Bigun said...

As a prior "first try, first cut" lottery winner for said race, I can only offer my condolences and hope that you make the second cut - then you can have an avitar like mine...rub, rub, elbow elbow...

At 10:01 AM, Blogger Tri-Angle said...

OK, ok it was me!
Comm, you have a way of saying eff-you with a smile on your face buddy!
I'm staying with the story that Sunday is family day....hung over or not!
Thanks man

At 3:26 AM, Blogger Jen said...

Man, I'd love to do that race. My fingers are crossed that you make the cut.

Now Comm, many many moons ago you put out a call for every triathlete who reads your blog to join your 'tri alliance'. I left a comment to the effect that I was merely a trail runner who one day hoped to join. Well I *finally* did my first tri on the weekend :-) Can I join the club now please ??

At 4:24 AM, Blogger Comm's said...


Welcome to the otherside Jen. If you want to post a race report I would certainly post it for you.

At 1:01 AM, Blogger Di said...

as for 21CM - I have my fingers crossed for you for the FEB list!!
I hope Mo is feeling better

At 7:39 AM, Blogger Cliff said...


I am jealous to see that you get to bike outside :). We are freezing with snow and slush here :D. That's an awesome brick work.

At 5:55 AM, Blogger tri-mama said...

So, you're telling me I should bring my bike?


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