Wednesday, December 12, 2007

All Work and No Play...

How many times has that been used as a title? Its been a long day, 16 hours at work, not including the 3 hours in prayer and mediation and daily rituals to get out the door with the Mighty Mo before work.

Today was to be a nice LSD 12 miles, but I was lucky to find a moment to get adjusted by Jeff my training partner and chiropractor. My neck was way outta whack from hitting my head on the pool bottom the day before. It took a lot of coaxing to get it to adjust back into alignment. But other than some mild head pain and bit of a kink still in my hip, I'm doing pretty good.

Its going to be tricky to fit the run in on Thursday, my normal rest day, since I will probably still be recovering from the long previous work day and our big company parties are that night celebrating our members. But I am going to try.

I have a fancy smancy banquet to attend Friday night. I'd love to tell you I am getting an award for best blog (no link on purpose) or the Common Man of the Year Award, but I have no idea what I'm going to be doing there. My partner is putting it on for our key employees and spouses and its costing about $30,000 for 60 people and he's not telling me anything about the itinerary. I better eat well and have an open bar because I am not impressed with it just being at a 5 Star resort in trendy north Scottsdale. I lived there for five years, color me not impressed.

Since I have blown my rest day on work, yeesh, the remainder of this week is primarily bike focused. If I get in all my practices between Thursday and Sunday I will get about 130 riding miles and 20 running miles. I have already banked (or bonked depending on how you look at it), all my swims this week.

Merry Christmas


At 2:45 AM, Blogger TriDaddy said...

This is a Common Man post I can relate to...

I'm not a big talker in the morning, I just like a cup of coffee, silence, and a nice long run. But for the past four years I've been getting the kids ready for school and all that entails... you know about that... lots of talking and coaxing and encouragement and saying the same things over and over again... Changing a poopy diaper just as we are about to leave and readjusting socks because the seam is not right on their toes (which must be genetic since that bothers me too, but I don't freak out about it like my kids!). I love my kids... but the morning routine is killer and uses up most of the 5,000 or so words I use in a day. Serious downtime is required before I am functional for work. Then there's work, pretty easy in terms of jobs because 3 out of 4 weeks I can pretty much exercise at will, but there's that the one difficult week in the month... deadline week where I put in 12+ hour days... which basically means I always blow my recovery weeks working and feeling a little drained for my regular training.

Thanks for this post and letting share my Common Man symptoms!

At 8:10 AM, Blogger momo said...

stop by if you're in neighborhood, comm! we'll have a christmas drink! :-)

merry, merry to you and mistress and especially mo!

At 8:45 AM, Blogger Carrie said...

Quit bonking your head! Enjoy the party!

At 11:02 AM, Blogger Brent Buckner said...

Heck, at $500 per person it should come complete with open bar and cab rides; enjoy the night out!

At 9:37 PM, Blogger 21stCenturyMom said...

You missed your run today because the big guy knew your head needed a rest.

Enjoy the party!

At 2:22 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

i was thinking about your head today.... cuz, that's what I do when i'm bored at work... and was wondering if they'll let you wear a helmet during the ironman swim?

i vote for pink.

oh... and for $30,000, you could buy ogden.



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