Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Your just not going to believe this....

I met Mistress at her office to do my swim workout. She was going to coach me on flip turns. I have been doing them off and on at my usual pool but wanted some feedback. So, go to the pro.

See watched from the side and gave me some feedback. I was nervous as I had been practicing off a five foot wall and this was only three. Plus there wasn't the usual lane lines to judge off of. After a half dozen flip turns she told me she was very impressed. When this man's wife says she is impressed with something, I feel pretty good about it. And unfortunately like most men, a little cocky.

Thats when I hit my head on the bottom of the pool doing a flip turn.

I know.

I stood up, holding the top-right of my head and feeling the impact in my jaw, neck and upper back. An immediate headache appeared.

As I look up at Mistress at the edge of the pool she flailing her arms and mid sentence yelling at me, "...not even off a starting block! You're not even using a diving board! You're the only man I know that even swimming is dangerous to your head..."

I just had to laugh. With all we have been through with these traumatic head issues, she gets to see me hit my head in a pool. She finally calls me over and inspects where I am holding my head. "Well I don't see a bump. But with you that doesn't mean anything. Are you okay?"

I felt relatively okay and decided to try some more flip turns but I never completed another. A water aerobics class took up the lanes on the other end so no lap swimming, ergo no endurance workout.

Earlier I got in a great run of 6 miles averaging an 8:20 pace so the entire day wasn't shot.

Now I have popped a couple Tylenol PM and heading to bed. Hoping to stop the headache and muscle soreness I still feel on the right side of my back and neck.

You gotta love this ride...



At 8:49 PM, Blogger Ann (bunnygirl) said...

Maybe you should've worn your bike helmet?

At 9:57 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

so, now you're not only the guy that bumps his noggin on a piece of wall-art and gets a concussion... now you're the dude who gets one while swimming.

invest in a helmet now, bro. word on the street is that leaves are falling. that's just an accident waiting to happen.

take. care. of. you.

At 6:03 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

But it was a very shallow pool ... right???

(Take care!!)

At 7:58 AM, Blogger Fe-lady said...

Hope you are OK! My husband is so tall that he puts one hand on the bottom of the 4 ft. deep pool we use when he executes his flip turns. It's funny to watch.
My advice....do open turns in the pool. You don't need flip turns in a triathlon....! (usually!)

At 7:59 AM, Blogger Kewl Nitrox said...

Ouch! Heal up soon you hear?

That actually reminds me of my honeymoon many years back. I was in a 3 ft deep pool and decided to do a dive - scraped my forehead on the slip-proof sandpaper like bottom and had to wear this horrible wound for the rest of the honeymoon. Everytime I see our honeymoon pics I am reminded of my stupid trick. I like to tell people that I was dazed with love, but Mrs Nitrox knows I am just not too bright sometimes.

Thanks for checking up on me and sorry for being away for 4 whole months! I am back now with a new blog "Life to the Full" and I sure hope to see you there sometime.

At 8:05 AM, Blogger Laurie said...

Oh Comm. I hope it's just a little bump and not another concussion. Take care of yourself.

At 9:12 AM, Blogger the Dread Pirate Rackham said...

yeah, I think you need to just strap on a helmet wherever you go.

or one of those elizabethan collars that the cat has to wear.

At 12:35 PM, Blogger Bolder said...

i believe it.

At 4:19 PM, Blogger Bigun said...

step away from the pool....

At 9:36 PM, Blogger 21stCenturyMom said...

Oh my - I think your head is starting to hate you.

And I agree - flip turns are fun but over rated. They have no relevance in triathlon and they have no place in 3 foot pool.


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