Monday, September 24, 2007

Its Electric

The starts of triathlons are so electric. The vibration level is amazing. It was a bit odd, walking around before the swim start and motivating and encouraging people and not being a part of the action.

I was asked several times about my own participation and most people that know me, know my training plan for the year, plus I was supporting Mistress in the relay and there are a lot of triathlon couples in this area of the country, so it wasn't weird at all.

Part of me before the swim, really did wish I had done the race. The competition against my team mates, the camaraderie that would follow. Then I went to the hot corner of the bike portion and OMG, it was bumper to bumper. A team mate was standing next to me, yelling "2 minutes" because everybody, EVERYBODY, was drafting. You almost had to, just out of frustration of having one lane of the road for 1,000 people to do 2 or 4 loops. From my vantage it look frustrating to be out there.

Mistress did really well. There was 123 people in her wave (Pink Caps-All relays, Women Oly's, Pro/Elites) and she was between 12-15 out of the water. At least three of those I know were collegiate elites or a Pro.

She got out at 26 minutes +/- 10 seconds. There was a lot of crowding due to loops and some scratching and bruising going on. Typical stuff. The wave that went off four minutes before her was female sprints and true to form there were lots of new triathletes out there who immediately started zig zagging or back stroking after 100 yards.

The nice thing about a race like this in a metro area is that it does bring new people into the triathlete environment. The bad thing was the road construction and constrictions that I am sure left some people with hard feelings about being yelled "Left" every few seconds. Hopefully everything except the bike will stay in their head and the finish more satisfying than the movement between T1 & T2.

Congratulations Honey. And welcome new triathletes.


At 12:44 PM, Blogger 21stCenturyMom said...

It's always a little hard to watch a race and not be in it but I can see how the crowded bike course could cure you fast.

Congratulations to Mistress. Well done!

At 1:04 PM, Blogger momo said...

woot! way to go, mistress!

geez i wish i could swim faster. :-)

At 6:26 AM, Blogger Iron Pol said...

What? No pictures!

Congratulations to Mistress. It's a short step now, to Ironman. Wait, did I say that out loud?

Large numbers of triathletes in a shorter race can be frustrating, especially when the venue has limited access to biking areas. And yeah, it becomes pointless trying to enforce drafting rules in such races.

At 7:09 AM, Blogger Bolder said...

well done Mistress!

you are super speedy fast!!

we need to rub you on Comm before IMAZ!!!


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