Thursday, September 13, 2007

2 halfs equal...well still half

Today I was good enough by only half in both workouts.

To start I went to bed at midnight and my watch went off at 4am for my 90 minute trainer workout downstairs. As so many of us do, I turned off the alarm and closed my eyes for just one more moment of rest. BAM. I wake up and its now 5:15am. Just like that. I decide to move the ride till the night and close my eyes one more time. BAM. In the span of a blink its 6:40am and Mistress is kicking my out of bed.

My lunch swim I got half in the workout and had to get out of the water. I can bike and run with a cleared mind, but in the water, it is so easy for me to loose my place. How many yards have I gone...thinking of everything but swimming. I had a lot on my mind and couldn't center. I was slow, labored, the board shorts didn't help limit drag.

Later that night I hoped on the trainer, thinking that the rerun of Amazing Race I DVR'd would keep me occupied. I did half the workout and got off. I just did not have it in me.

My business partner, boss and mentor had a small stroke on Tuesday. It was something that we're told was unavoidable but it's weighed heavily on me since I heard. On Wednesday, I received a phone call that a female cyclist was killed by a semi truck. The description and location are conspicuously similar to a friend and aztriclub teammate. Calls to her house went unanswered. I stopped by but no one was home and I saw a stack of mail on their front table. Her and he husband are retired and travel quite regularly so its not unusaul to find them gone for weeks at a time. I pray to God it wasn't Robin.

A lesson learned speaking with the reporter who wrote the story, is that the cyclist did not have ID, and had not been identified. So again I preach to all of you, buy a Road ID ankle bracelet today and wear it for every workout, whether that be in the pool, running around the block or riding with your friends.

Do your closest training partners have your spouses cell or home phone number in their phone in case of emergency? When you go for a run in the morning, does your family know your route or which direction you're going in case you don't come back in time.

Be careful out there. People love you.



At 9:42 PM, Blogger LBTEPA said...

I'm sorry for these sad things Comm.
Ordering a road ID now, then ringing my husband to tell him I love him

At 9:52 PM, Blogger Comm's said...

both of those are excellent ideas.

At 5:19 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Comm's I'm very sorry about your partner.

It's shocking to hear of such a sudden tragic death. I feel for the woman's friends and family, but also hope it was not someone you knew personally.

At 9:49 AM, Blogger Iron Pol said...

Glad to see the RoadID plug, Comm's. I need to do a similar post. I'm to the point where I feel naked without my RoadID on, and if I realize I don't have it, I carry my license.

Even in races, I wear it. Anyone training without that, or something similar, is taking a huge risk.

Great post.

At 8:12 AM, Blogger Larissa said...

I hope your partner is on the road to recovery.

And I really hope the woman killed wasn't your friend - its a tragedy no matter who it was but, for your sake, I hope it wasn't Robin.



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