Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Name your posion

Sat down for lunch with Jeff and John yesterday, my main training partners and the three of us started AZTRICLUB together. We discussed the next quarter of the team training schedule over Greek salads and I came face to face with my biggest training issue of the next season.

I am sure there is a quicker way to say this, but my brain won't wrap around the words. Essentially I think there are two camps of training. I am in the camp that prefers to do the same training routes over and over again, they can be boring over time but they keep me consistent but I can measure my progress. I don't mind mixing stuff up but I really like knowing that the bulk of my training is done on just a few select courses.

The other camp likes to mix it up every week, rarely doing the same course twice and rotating among several different courses over the course of the month.

I can be either person and have. Variety is good. Variety helps keep things fresh and incorporates new physical challenges. It just doesn't keep me very consistent and to be honest it doesn't keep me motivated.

I find comfort in consistency. I find comfort in doing the same thing over and over again.

Are you the type of person who prefers the same routes over and over, the type of person who likes to mix it up constantly or the type that does whatever the coach tells you to do regardless?


At 8:59 AM, Blogger Lance Notstrong said...

I don't have too many options in this area, so I do the same courses over and over. I do like to mix it up when I can though :-)

At 9:50 AM, Blogger Bolder said...

tend to do the same routes. usually, race courses, or when you want to get in a century, the same old thing.

now, in my sophomore year, i feel the need to mix it up -- more adventure.

even if it means riding on roads with lesser suitability -- ie. smaller to non-existent shoulders, less groomed...

At 10:34 AM, Blogger 21stCenturyMom said...

I need to mix it up. Otherwise I get that 'deja vu all over again' feeling. There are, however some favorite routes.

Where I live there is no end to the routes you can take. It is very metropolitan near my house but 20 minutes away on a bike and you are out in the boonies or up in the hills. I love the scenery.

At 11:12 AM, Blogger Spokane Al said...

I like running the same routes over and over and over - I can just go on autopilot and enjoy my runs and not worry about where I am. Pace and speed can be easily measured as well.

I tend to like variety on my bike rides although, primarily for convenience, I end up doing the same routes over and over for the reasons you give.

Bottom line for me is I just like getting out and doing it, even if it is the same route I have done a hundred times prior.

At 12:26 PM, Blogger TriDaddy said...

I go either way. All depends on my mood that particular day. Many of my routes are very similar though because I like to run and bike from my house rather than drive to a starting point.

At 12:44 PM, Blogger Bigun said...

being garmin dependant (is there a support group?) I can and do mix my routes up for running pretty regularly, but since I don't drive to run, they aren't that different. Biking is a safety issue - I stick to parks and rails to trails, and there are only 3 in my AO. Organized rides and races are my only "open road" adventures....for you IM Vets, after reading all your "sophmore blues" posts, keeping it fun, different and adventurous/challenging seems to be the key (you as in Roman, Bolder, and you, Comm...). My 2 cents....

At 1:15 PM, Blogger Nancy Toby said...

Once I got my Garmin, I never did the same running route twice. I don't think I've been back to the track since I got it, either.

Does that answer your question? Only reason for me to do the same route is to have a spot-check on mileage, and I have that anywhere with my Garmin.

I do the same cycling route a lot because it's just easiest to get there and back, but I wouldn't if I had more local options.

And the pool? I like the center lane, but sometimes I mix it up and go for a side lane.

At 4:29 PM, Blogger Laurie said...

I love running the same route. It takes the surprise out of things and makes me focus just on running. I did my long run last weekend of 7 miles, made a fancy new route and ended up on a path closed due to construction. I ended up having to crawl under a chain link fence to get back on the trail! I'd rather avoid those types of surprises.

At 8:29 PM, Blogger the Dread Pirate Rackham said...

I do both - but I find I learn something when I mix it up. makes my brain do something new, I think.


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