Tuesday, June 26, 2007

This is why days have hours.

It would be enough already to say I have had a bad day. Its not even noon. I woke up this morning full of blessings, I get to drive to some great clubs and pay out a couple thousand dollars in cold hard cash to employees that did well in our company fitness contest. I also plan on going to one of my favorite stores and buy a gift (a Camelback) for a district manager because he is running up and down Camelback Mountain (no relation) in the heat a couple times a week and I don't think he carries enough water.

Instead I have found myself tossed amongst a sea of negativity and frustration from people trying to bum my high. Well you can't have it! Today is going to be a good day, even if the morning sucked. That's why we have afternoons and evenings. Its hard to say your ENTIRE day sucked when you have an opportunity every minute and every hour to change the way you think about it.

Now I get to go have a bite to eat, something clean and healthy like maybe a brown rice and chicken bowl, and then go see some employees and put a smile on their faces. I don't know about you but making other people smile is a great way to make me feel good.


At 2:16 PM, Blogger Di said...

Comm, you are so right! Don't let other's steal your high. Somepeople are energy vampires. They'll suck the joy right out of you. It is up to us to not let that happen. I usually accomplish it by telling them directly to their faces, "I am having a great day today. I am not going to allow anyone or anything change that. You should try it, how can I help?"
Believe it or not, it works more often than not.people forget that it's never really as bad as it seems.
I LOVE making other people smile. Great way to boost your own personal energy!!

At 2:58 PM, Blogger ShesAlwaysWrite said...

A. MEN. Brotha. I just learned this lesson - that you can change the day for better even if part of it wasn't good - in the last few months (i.e. the first 3 months of this pregnancy). It was so horrible for so long I learned to be happy for any few hours - or even few minutes - that I could get good out of, which did wonders for my overall attitude.

At 8:25 PM, Blogger Fe-lady said...

I too was around a bunch of negativity at my workplace today....but these women would be unhappy wherever they were or what ever they would happen to be doing.
I am certainly glad I looked at playing with kids and talking to some parents about their kids and getting PAID for it was certainly a blessing for me!
Confuses me sometimes that those who have SO much just can't see it ....!


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