Thursday, March 15, 2007


Yesterday I hope was a turning day for me. Even though I had some great news on a routine EKG test, I felt pretty lousy the rest of the day. While I am still completely drained and feel physically exhausted, my sinuses are clearing up and I am only choking on post nasal drip every so often.

Still though I did not feel good and realize that my problem is that I am letting this illness, my up and down training, a looming Ironman I feel unprepared for and things at work begin to wear away at my normally strong defense for negativity.

I am not a negative type person. I am an optimist. More importantly I am a problem solver and people who solve problems are for the most part people who see solutions or find a way in a problem to get through it.

I will find a way. It begins by being true to myself and centering myself with words and phrases that affirm, heal and push success in all areas of life. Some are very much religious but most are just positive reminders about things that are important to me; controlling behaviors and thoughts, etc.

I know that I have not been working on my mental game like I have so regularly done in the past. The time I used to spend in meditation and reading was co-opted by needing to help Mo with his medicine and an increase in morning traffic thanks to snowbirds. I am also to blame in this; sleeping in later as a result of being exhausted and reading more blog/gossip/news sites than I should now that I am chained to a desk after a decade of free rein around the locations in my business.

I have a whole list of affirmations that I created and put on 3x5 cards. When I first started this I had 100's of them. Most I have overcome or are no longer relevant. Some like the one below is based on universal laws and is always in the stack.
I am an irresistible magnet, with the power to attract unto myself everything that I divinely desire, according to the thoughts, feelings and mental pictures I constantly entertain and radiate. I am the center of the universe! I have the power to create whatever I wish. I attract whatever I radiate. I attract whatever I mentally choose and accept. I begin choosing and mentally accepting the highest and best in life. I now choose and accept health, happiness and success. I now choose lavish abundance for myself and for all mankind. This is a rich friendly universe and I dare to except its riches, its hospitality and enjoy them now.


At 11:19 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Way to bounce back, Comm's!

And now that I have a plane ticket, I'm looking forward to being part of your IMAZ cheering section!!!

(Of course, then I'll be one of the offending snowbirds ...)

At 2:59 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

hey there... haven't been reading blogs much as of late, so i'm just catching up on yours. hope you're feeling better. and you're right... positive thinking and positive people can conquer anything.

oh.... and maybe the snowbird situation would be better if you all had some sort of transit system.... :)

At 7:58 PM, Blogger Bolder said...

i'm going to print that out Comm.

that really hit home with me.

thanks for sharing that!


At 5:52 AM, Blogger Iron Pol said...

Boomer had a post a short while back where he asked if, as a generally positive person, he was allowed to have a bad day.

I think the old phrase "see the silver lining" is probably apt, and while I sometimes struggle with negativity, I always try to find the positive, even in crummy situations.

In this case, I think you ARE being positive. Every time something has knocked you down, you saw the up side. Illness forces you to get much needed rest. An ambiguous doctor visit shows that, while sick, you have great general health. Remaining positive, even when frustrated, is the key.


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