Saturday, March 10, 2007

Pool's Open

With perfect weather a group of us went to Canyon Lake for a bike loop. I posted pictures from this ride a week or two ago. Its basically a high desert ride on a perfect road with usual very few motor vehicles. The ride is not long perhaps 16 mile round trip but its quite a hill climb.

I got passed by quite a good cyclist on a particularly nasty part of the hill. Passed in the sense that he was blowing my doors off on this climb. Instead of a complementary remark he made a rather snooty one and my response was, "Hope you brought your wet suit, I'm swimming a mile in the lake when I get back down." I would like to think it made him pause in his cadence for a split second but doubt it.

In reality I was not going to swim a mile, just one loop (1,000 yards) and what a glorious time it was. Water must have been high 50's and in the wetsuit felt great. The diving gloves were a bit of overkill and won't be using those next week. We started just at the base of the bridge on the left, swam towards the camera and around two buoys posted just beneath the frame, then underneath the bridge and into the canyon to a buoy in the very back, then back to the bridge. Four of those is an Ironman distance swim. From now through Halloween I will swimming at least two loops two times week.

Good times.



At 5:09 PM, Blogger Ellie Hamilton said...

I remember that road and that lake so well and I never got to ride it or swim it with you. :-(

At 6:39 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Looks beautiful. And you get to practice it weekly? Lucky you!

At 9:04 AM, Blogger Bigun said...

what, no sharks or gators? how much fun could that be? Any water moccasys? Heck with the Y membership, that's the place to be, right there! That's the tri-swimmer's paradise!

At 9:17 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

That's one pretty pool, Comm's! (Thanks for the visual.)

At 5:48 AM, Blogger Iron Pol said...

I would post pictures of where I'll be swimming but I can't find the bouys. Perhaps they're hidden by the ice.

At 5:51 AM, Blogger Iron Pol said...

Oh yeah, anyone who gives another individual who is training any kind of "snooty" response is probably someone to ignore.

We're all at our own place and train in our own way. I've apparently just been really lucky. Most the comments I've gotten (even from people blowing my doors off) have been positive and/or constructive.


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