Tuesday, February 06, 2007

A quick Mo update

In the previous post I mentioned Mo went back to the doctors today for some illness-like symptoms and he hasn't eaten more than a few tater tots in two days. It was good timing because his pre-school teacher told us yesterday she was concerned about all the bruises on his arms and legs from over the weekend and we wanted to squash that innuendo right away with an exam from his primary. As expected the bruises (and to my amazement there is a lot) are all consistent with being a little boy and not abuse. As a white heterosexual male in a pc world, I am glad I was Las Vegas over the weekend- my alibi is air tight. The doctor also sent him over for a blood draw to see if he has an iron deficiency or something like that.

Mistress spoke with the doctor to get a summary regarding the bruises so we can give it to the pre-school. I am sure if a teacher is going to talk to us, she is going to put a note in his personal file. I actually really like this teacher and she meant no harm. She is a nice person just asking a question and I take no offense other than things like this if not taken head-on can cause suspensions later on.

As for Mighty Mo, right now he is back on full nebulizer treatments 24/7 which means 6am, 10am, 2pm, 6pm, 10pm, 2am, and on and on and on. I get to do 10pm and 6am for sure. Mistress can do it in her sleep so she gets 2am. The rest we figure out tomorrow.

We also had to increase his medicine for the colitis after his gastro-doc lowered his dosage, but the symptoms started to come back. Mo told us last night he is getting tired of eating peanut butter, its how we disguise the medicine, so we may try cake frosting or something like that. We hate to do it like that but yogurt and applesauce are too thin he equates those two with meals. We have been successful long term when he thinks he is getting a special treat.


At 7:58 PM, Blogger Laurie said...

Poor Mo. I hope he feels better soon. He is such a tough kid.

At 6:15 AM, Blogger White Salamander said...

Sorry to hear about Mo. Poor little dude. Good idea to take care of the bruising issue in a super upfront and transparent way. You certainly did the right thing in not allowing anyone to begin speculating.

At 7:42 AM, Blogger Iron Pol said...

Dude, could that somehow go with a peanut butter cup? Perhaps a cheese spread, on crackers?

I could mix dirt with applesauce and either of my kids would eat it. As long as there's applesauce.

We'll keep the little guy in our prayers. My wife has a cousin (college age, now) who had an awful lot of upper and lower GI issues as a child. We can understand, if not relate to the challenges.

At 10:51 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I'm glad you've addressed the bruising, that you weren't offended by the question, but also that the question was being asked. His pre-school teacher is looking out for her charges.

Hopefully the meds will have Mo feeling better in short order.

At 11:01 AM, Blogger Cliff said...

keep trying diff way to get him take his med...u guys are great parents.

At 7:16 AM, Blogger Vickie said...

I understand your feelings about being confronted about the bruising. I had the same thing happen 22 years ago! when my son was under a year old. The babysitter at the time accused me/us of really hitting him hard, since he had a large bruise on his bottom near his tailbone area. I thought about it and realized he had falled, hard, on the vacuum cleaner of all things, and surprisingly, even with diapers, he was left with a bruise about the size of a saucer. On the one hand, you are offended, because you figure people should realize how much you love your child, but on the other, there are people out there who give that appearance, and yet someone else in or close to the family could be causing problems. But hopefully, the teacher is at ease over the situation.

Re: your comment about the new blogger? I switeched a while ago, actually was forced, because one day Blogger wouldn't let me log on until I switched. I figure now it is their random way of getting people to switch over time. Now that I have the comment part figured out (where you want to edit profile and select yes to showing your e-mail address), I don't have any more problems.

At 9:40 AM, Blogger Carrie said...

I had to take the kids to CA for indep. medical exams after DB was making accusations of abuse. Both kids had random falling-down-because-they-are-kids bruises and I was so afraid any little bruise would give weight to his bogus accusations. My sister told me to relax- kids get bruises and doctors know. The specialist reported absolutely no indications of child abuse.


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