Friday, February 02, 2007

Remember the viynl record?

Some of us can clearly remember stepping from established cultural history into newer territory. I was way behind the compact disc, not getting my first until 1993; it was a Perry Como Christmas disc.

Since this is Super Bowl weekend and I am going to Las Vegas it reminds me of a crossing of the cultural threshold watching the Super Bowl in 1996. This was the first year that Super Bowl commercials included website addresses. I was at a college room mates house with a bunch guys we grew up with and turned it into a drinking game, "Take a drink every time a web address comes up." It only ended up being nine or ten of the commercials, certainly not all or even most, but the next year it seemed every commercial included some online notation and we got so drunk by half time we ran out of the good beer.

Oh please, even macho guys have discerning taste with cheap alcohol. For every half rack of sierra Nevada Pale Ale there was a case of Bud Light. No one admits they like the micro-brew but its always conveniently the closest beer to the door. "Dude, I just grabbed the first beer I could. It's not my fault its a deliciously malted small batch with Yakima hops and strong hint of barley. You want me to get you a Bud?"

Furthermore, who hasn't giggled like a four year old watching two bums wrestle for the bottle of ripple you tossed between them. By 'bums' I mean the two guys you've known since seventh grade and you lost your virginity to a girlfriend in one of their basements at house party. Not that that happened to me, I'm just saying....

Will do my usual phone posts for the next few days. Have a great weekend everyone.


At 9:13 AM, Blogger The Big Cheese said...

Lost it to a girl, right? Not the friend.

At 9:17 AM, Blogger Comm's said...


Now I have to re-write the damn post and no one else will get you comment.

(Channelling Shatner as Capt. Kirk in Star Trek 2)---"CHEESE"

At 10:16 AM, Blogger Born To Endure said...

what's ripple?? Must be a u.s. thing..:-))

At 10:50 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

What Shelley said!

Have fun Comm's!

At 11:43 AM, Blogger Phil said...

In 1984, I sat down to record all my LPs onto tape cassettes. But, I had the wires backwards on my stereo, and accidentally erased all my records.

At 2:46 PM, Blogger Bigun said...

new fav beer - Hobgoblin - been tinkering with it for a couple of years, found a local distributer, and now it's got a special place in the beer fridge. Everyone else drinks the Mick ultra (yuck..) 'till it's gone - and I don't think that's happening any time soon...


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