Monday, February 05, 2007

New Blogger Question

So what are you're impressions with the new blogger stuff? I still have not switched over. I noticed when I leave comments on some blogs that my profile won't show up and I wonder if its because I am still using v1.0.



At 10:39 AM, Blogger Fumo Santo said...

Like anything new, there will be bugs. I'm using the new version, and I don't notice too much of a difference.

As to your comments comment, it may be one of the said bugs plaguing the entire system. I've placed comments on other blogs, only to have them duplicate 2-4 times and some show as annonymous.

The only benefit I see thus far is not having to wait on the update when posting. It's instantaneous now.

At 11:36 AM, Blogger Carrie said...

I was forced to switch! I was trying to hold out as long as possible but I had no other option to sign in last week. I get a little frustrated when trying to leave comments. Sometimes it works, sometimes I can't get it to post and just leave.

At 12:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah - you're right. If you haven't switched over to 2.0, then you haven't switched to "google accounts" yet, which means you're going to be anonymous until you do (very convoluted).

As for the new blogger itself; if you're a hacker and you write your own CSS' (like I) then you're going to have some work to do (blogger 2.0 changed a lot of tag syntax); if you're just a basic bloggee, then you'll probably love the new version, and have very little problems if any.

At 1:52 PM, Blogger Iron Pol said...

First, I think Blogger was delusional removing the Beta tag. They have so many kinks to work out, it can be called nothing else. I still refer to it as a beta.

Second, "anonymous" and missing profile items are just one of the bugs they can't figure out. Most of my posts come out just fine. Beta users posting on my site hit my mailbox as "anonymous" e-mail addresses, though I can see the name.

Stronger, you got screwed. If you have just stopped, backed up, and tried again, you should have been able to log in using the old system. They've tried that ploy on me a dozen times. Of course, now, I can't delete SPAM posts.

I'm not switching until they drag me kicking and screaming. Too many bugs to favor a forced conversion.

At 2:34 PM, Blogger Comm's said...

This is going exactly as planned. One ambivalent, one frustrated, one happy and one disappointed.

At 2:48 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

i actually like the new blogger... it's a lot more user friendly. the only thing i will complain about is when the comments get sent to my email, it's always "anonymous" rather than showing the email to respond back to. even from people that i know have their address listed.

At 3:48 PM, Blogger Bolder said...

hold out for as long as you can.

i've lost posts.

i've lost pictures.

i've lost comments.

like the pol says 'this is beta'.


At 4:12 PM, Blogger White Salamander said...

It seems to work fine although I was also "forced" against my will to switch

At 7:12 PM, Blogger TriDaddy said...

Just wrote a nice little comment, tried to post it using my "new" google account (already had one, but when I was forced to switch, I was told it didn't exist), then was told my "new" google account didn't exist. I tried my old login "tarheeltri" and was forwarded to a screen that had my "new" google account login, so I entered my password and it took me to my blogger dashboard and my comment was gone. So, yeah, I kind of think this new version sucks.

At 7:32 PM, Blogger Papa Tweet said...

I just switched over lastnight. I don't see any reason not to. It seems easier to use and there are a few additional items that are nice. But most of all Comms, I'm just happy to hear that you are training. I was getting a little worried about you. It was almost time for an intervention. So, there's your warning. Be careful what you do, or you just might have to endure a phone call from me. Later Comms

At 10:12 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Add another ambivalent, Comm's. Up side: I've had an easier time uploading pix, and I've been able to comment on New Blogger people's blogs without being "anonymous". Down side: I've learned to log in and stay logged in to post replies ... particularly for folks still functioning on Old Blogger.

It all fits perfectly with my motto in life: Nothing is ever simple or easy.

At 1:00 PM, Blogger Iron Pol said...

Wendy, just so you know, even if you're logged in, you come up as "Anonymous" when the note about your post hits my box.

So, the only way to reply is via the original post. Often, I like to send responses to the person rather than the world.

And I defeated blogger and was able to delete SPAM posts. LONG LIVE OLD BLOGGER.

At 1:37 PM, Blogger Fumo Santo said...

Unfortunately, Old Blogger will not last forever, so jump in while the water is warm.

At least this way you can learn about the problems new Blogger has and you'll become an expert resource for all the questions your tri-bloggers will have!!

At 2:40 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks for the heads up Iron Pol. I haven't enabled the email feature on my New Blogger profile. (I'm one of those wade in slowly people as opposed to the diving in headlong types!)

When I was on Old Blogger it wouldn't let me comment at all on New Blogger blogs unless I logged in as anonymous. Otherwise the comment would just disappear ...


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