Tuesday, February 06, 2007

WIN-Whats Important Now

Benny commented to me that he was concerned I was not training enough. Intervention or some such thing. Ben and I are buds so I know the ribbing was good natured. God knows I push it towards him enough.

But it made me consider the importance of triathlon training in my life. Know what? Barely broke the top 5.

Personal Health

Family. Above all else and put Mistress at the top of that list. Mo will grow up and become his own man and leave our house in the next 15-20 years. Mistress and I will remain together for so much longer. My relationship with her is the most important in my life, the hardest to maintain and the most fulfilling. Christ says in Mark 10:7-9,
"For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.' So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate."
Personal Health. Mistress knew going into our relationship that my brain bucket has some dents in it. Yet she stayed with me and based on the strength of our relationship I believe that if I ever had amnesia again she would care for me. While health should be number one, I would give my life for her so thats my over ride. Personal health is not just emotional or physical but also spiritual. My faith is as important as my wife. Other than that I need good health and long life to be a role model for my son and a be a provider for my family.

Work. I love my job. I am one of the very few people on this planet that wakes up looking forward to what they do. Is every day roses? Hell know. But I get paid really good money in a company I created with my partners to bring hope to others. But make no mistake as to why this is number three. If one of my partners or employees started talking trash about my family I would beat them with the nearest heavy object until their eyes turned to jelly and their ears bled.

Friends. I have no problem meeting people and gaining rapport with others but like most I have lots of acquaintances but few good friends. I will drop almost anything to help a friend, (unless their moving). Friendship are not only hard to find, but harder to keep longer than a year or two. I have some military friends that I haven't spoken to in years but when I do it will be as if its only been days. My core training team, my partners, all true friends.

Triathlon. I receive so much joy from this sport. The people I have met. The places I have been. The sensation of the race course. I have increased my capacity in swimming and relived my youth on the bike. Triathlon keeps a person young at heart. Which affects the first four items in my list.

There is my list. How do I know its true and been ingrained in my heart. Because once I finished this I got a call from Mistress, she is taking Mo to the doctors because he is sick again. And I thought about the his daily prayer I created for him. Its to teach him how to live his life and we recite it at least once a day.

A Mann loves God,
A Mann defends the family,
A Mann protects the weak.


At 2:41 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Wonderful post Comm's.

Here's hoping Mo's right as rain in no time flat.

At 3:06 PM, Blogger Carrie said...

That's a good definition of a Mann.


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