Saturday, July 08, 2006

Win Some, Lose Some

Put in a 1.5 mile swim today and felt pretty damn good. I am still slow, it took me an hour but so be it I suppose.

The run was another matter...again. I got through the first mile without incident at about a 10:30 pace and was feeling my shin get progressively tighter and more cramped. About 1.5 miles I was pulled over on the side and trying my best to massage the swelling down. Some of the others who came by noticed a significant difference in the shape of my legs below the knee, one swollen and tight looking the other normal. I went a bit further up the hill, mostly at a fast walk and then turned around with John as he came back down. The miles back were not so bad, going downhill stretched the area out and I maintained about a 11:30-12:00 minute mile pace.

Horrific in my opinion. But I reminded myself that John finished his Ironman walking almost the entire marathon at a 16:30 pace and finished it. I reminded myself of people who have related to me the cramping and the pain of their ironman marathon and averaging 13 minute miles and finishing. So I felt bolstered by my pace. If I average between 11-12 minute ironman miles for the whole marathon, I will consider myself very lucky indeed.

So today goes in the success column. The recovery week has really helped me with some of the physical aches I had swimming, though not the speed improvement I was hoping for and I ran further today before breakdown than I have in the last few weeks.

What really sucks is that right now I feel great. When I am not running, I feel 100%. Once I get some pressure on that shin from my running, it seizes all up.

What was really great about this workout is that so many other people had terrific runs. A few dropped almost ten percent off their times running up and down some steep switchbacks. Some went further than expected in less time than expected. Some just ran the whole way. And while I am not happy with the fact that I am pulling up the rear on the run train, when six months ago and less I was leading it, I am taking what I can get with a smile.

Have Fun


At 2:11 PM, Blogger Rainbow said...

After a week of not training, that is a great swim. I hope to be at that level some day. Cramps happen. Eventhough some sucky things happen on your training, this is great experience if anything should happen on race day. I am sure you have heard that many times before.

Have you tried that biofreeze stuff while running. They have little packets you can put in your shirt for tightened muscles. Not a total solution, but does help a bit.

At 3:40 PM, Blogger TriBoomer a.k.a. Brian said...


Sorry to hear about the cramping. Continue to listen to your body and get it checked out if the pain lasts for more than two days with rest.

Stay tuned...

At 5:32 PM, Blogger Ann (bunnygirl) said...

The obvious swelling in your leg sounds worrisome. You've been checked for compartment syndrome, right?

I know you'll work through this and find a solution. I'm glad to hear your swim went well and you're feeling better overall.

At 7:21 AM, Blogger Habeela said...

What a great attitude on the whole thing. And way to put down the miles. Hope the shin feels better soon.

At 12:10 PM, Blogger SRR said...

Maybe you just need to take it easy for a little while...

At 4:18 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

so, these pains in your shins... they're NOT shin splints, correct? are you hydrated properly? do you maybe need different shoes? what kind of therapy are you doing? you don't want to go into Nov. 4 with this nagging injury still bothering you...

At 8:54 AM, Blogger Comm's said...

Nytro- they are shin splints. I had an MRI.

I am hydrated as well as I can get, 3/4 gallon of water or more most days plus add gatorade endurances and a little coffe and soda to get me over 150 ounces of fluid a day.

These are new shoes and they have helped.

For therapy jeff is doing electrical stimulation, accupuncture, stretching and ART.

I also don't want to go into Nov with this problem, thank you for your concerns.


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