Thursday, June 29, 2006

Its not broken

Been having enough problems with my lower leg the last two weeks that I decided to get an MRI to see if it was broken. Three things added up to make this decision for me. First was Mipper and her saga of woe with her stress fractures. Second, something the Kahuna said on a recent GYGO podcast, (paraphrased) "You wouldn't think twice about taking your bike in for a $75 repair but you won't go to the doctors to get yourself checked up." Something like that.

So the preliminary diagnosis is a bunch of muscle tears along the tibia, (i.e. Shin splints). Not fun and means I need to readdress my training protocols for the next 30-60 days. Obviously more swimming and cycling. I will do some speed walking, hiking and form running drill to repair the tissue damage, lower the inflammation and correct my running form. Typically Shin splints are from heel strikes and too much distance too soon in the season. I think mine came in part from beginning to run uphill which caused my ankle to lock up, which tensed up the ligaments running from the top of ankle up the shin, causing the overuse inflammation and enivitable tear.

The Machine and I are already working on our plan of attack. IRL (In Real Life) he is a chiropractor and sport therapy doctor. He is already treating me with A.R.T, electric stimulation (e-stem) and acupuncture. We are both commiting ourselves to twice weekly stretching workouts performed on us by his LMT (Lisenced Massage Practitioner). That avenue, plus the IM training changes should help turn things around.

But its not broken and that is a blessing.


At 5:49 PM, Blogger Fe-lady said...

Shin splints get better...OUCH!
You are smart for getting it diagnosed and treated before you really tore something up badly!
Heal quickly!

At 7:59 PM, Blogger tri-mama said...

That is good news! Good catching up with you-I don't think polite is quite broken, but it defiitely has some tears that need more than wetsuit cement. I'm always taken aback when people are super grateful I hold a door for them-it's a reminder how seldom that happens I guess-but if we keep it up-we can train the next generation.

At 10:49 PM, Blogger Rainbow said...

You are lucky. Lucky to have all those resources to help you recover faster. Take FULL advantage. I too, learned from Mipper when I hurt my foot and went to see the doctor.

In reality though, I am as cheap about taking my bike in for anything other than free maintanence as I am with my own body, so at least I am consistant.

At 11:25 PM, Blogger Papa Tweet said...

You'll be happy in the long run. It's always good to be proactive rther than reactive. Best of luck.


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