Thursday, July 06, 2006

Fly...Be Free

Today it is back to training. The Machine and I over the last few months have been ramping up the Thursday training sessions till they have become almost a bizzaro race day in and of itself.

For example today is a 25 mile bike, then long transition up to the lake for a 1.1 mile swim then a 6 mile run brick from the shore. Sounds like a freaking Olympic distance race once per week.

Now not everyone does all three sports, in the past it has only been The Machine, myself and Hardcore Mike. John when he gets the opportunity. In fact today I won't be doing all that. Since its my first day back in a week, I am doing the ride, then .6 mile swim, then power walk or jog/walk 3 miles and maybe little more depending on how the shin feels.

The rides used to be monster hill intervals / repeats for a power workout which fatiqued the legs before the uphill run 5k, downhill 5k we did after the swim, but we are switching the hills out for flat longer rides with high cadence.

The swim is what it is, but instead of running up the hill and turning around, I will run the 1.5 rolling miles to the base of the hill then turn around. Its a flatter alternative than attacking the monster and screwing up my ankle /shin again.

I actually woke up today with no pain. Its amazing what you get used to when your training hard. I think the rehab last night was a break through. I have been really tight and The Machine was able to get things adjusted (loudly I might add) which gave me some instant relief in my low back and neck. The shin has been taking the rest /ice / compression / A.R.T. / e-stem /acupuncture treatments really well. Today should be a very illuminating day.


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