Thursday, July 13, 2006

It looks like it is just me going to Flagstaff.

Mo has come down with an undefined illness that has him just hours from being IV’d and spending an overnight in the hospital. The doctors have run every test except meningitis and some other equally unsavory conditions that are best left to be done when someone is admitted to the hospital.

He has an appointment tomorrow morning with his regular team of physicians to see if he has become hydrated enough to not be admitted but currently that may be the plan of the doctors and they are just giving us a soft warning and an extra night in our house with him before the weekend. They have already said he is very close to concerning dehydration levels.

We have been here before and this sudden relapse is…troubling. Earlier this week we at first felt, as did his medical team, that this was a routine sickness for any child in preschool, especially one that was just recently reintroduced into society after being quarantined for four months from any contact with other children due to his low immune system. Today, Mistress tells me that that optimisim was not present in that room by the doctors. They are optimistic that things can turn around but....

I am already having a really crap day and this dosen't help. Usually I can shield Mistress from my lack of Emotional Quotient (EQ) and try to support her when Mo's down because she really takes this stuff hard. Not today and I do feel very badly about that. I lacked Emotional Intellegence on the phone getting this info from her and I need to call her back and seek to understand better.

There is nothing I can do about this and honestly she is better off with me being away if he gets admitted tomorrow. I go bonko in hospitals and drive the nurses there nuts. Plus I am being selfish because I want her and Mo to get out of town with me, our first all family trip out of the Valley in three years to relax with non-work people in a cooler climate.


Update: 4:16pm. No change in Mo's condition though he did eat some watermelon. No its me. I re-read my post above a realize I have a big chink in my mental armor right now for this race. I want to go but I want to help Mistress in what will be a difficult weekend for her regardless of where its spent.

If I stay home I will hate missing the race but I will be there to support Mistress and keep her fed and watered and the house reasonable making her weekend of being clung too by a sick child some what managable. But I will let my team mates, my sponsors and myself down.

If I still go, I get to do my race but will always be thinking about Mistress and Mo back home and that an extra pair of hands would do wonders. I will fret about his well being and be concerned that Mistress is burning herself out, since Mo has been showing symptoms since Monday and that has been making her tired already with his fussiness, trips to the doctors, lack of sleep at night, etc.

Selfishly, I hate making this decision. I hate that I am forced to. This is a race weekend. Its supposed to be fun. I just don't think it will be.

Crap. Still.


At 3:15 PM, Blogger :) said...

I will be praying for the Mo. You can count on that.

At 3:19 PM, Blogger Tri-Angle said...

Sorry Comm Man
My prayers are in for your family.

At 4:23 PM, Blogger TriBoomer a.k.a. Brian said...

My wish is for a speedy recovery for Mo.

Good luck in Flagstaff.

Stay tuned...

At 5:00 PM, Blogger Nancy Toby said...

I think Mistress can handle it. I'm sure she's very capable.

Best wishes for improved health to Mo and best wishes to you for a great weekend!

At 8:14 PM, Blogger Ann (bunnygirl) said...

That sucks about the kiddo. I hope he shakes this thing off on his own!

Best wishes for your family-- hang in there!

At 8:55 PM, Blogger Cliff said...

will pray for you, Mo and Mistress...

At 9:16 PM, Blogger Rainbow said...

Comm, I just said a prayer for your family. I can only imagine the worry that you and Mistress are feeling. I pray it turns out better.

We are human. You are human. It is normal to be sad about missing a race. Something that you were looking forward to. I think disappointment is a normal feeling.

Remember his name is mighty mo for a reason. Take Care.

At 7:50 AM, Blogger Carrie said...

Poor little Mo...just when he was getting better. Sit down and have this blog talk with Mistress and ask for her honest feedback about staying or racing (sometimes we women pretend we can do it all). If she leaves it up to you then I think you should...

Go to my quotables on my sidebar and see the first quote. Someone very wise with very good advice left it there.

At 1:01 PM, Blogger Chris said...

Bummer. Sorry to hear about the 'lil guy. Hopefully the pessimism in the doctors room was for nothing and everything turns out to be ok. You guys will be in my thoughts!


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