Thursday, December 08, 2005

What the heck happened...

A confession. Its only 10:00 pm but I am posting this as a midnight log in so that it registers as a...what day is tomorrow...Thursday post.

I mentioned in my last post that I was being released from my office today.
So why is it past my bedtime and I am still in my office?
Why did I just get call #4 from Mistress, asking me when I was coming home, when thats where I should be firmlly ensconced in my bed?
Would you believe I have the huevos to tell her I am going to try to barge past the front desk of two clubs on the way home to see if they follow check in protocols for prospective members?

I am in the office still because I started work on my 2005 personal growth letter, which is an exercise all the partners go through and ask all our managers to do. We sort of change the parameter each year but its a soul searcher. If you have never had to be brutually honest with yourself like that its not easy. It's even harder knowing that this information will be shared with your partners and possibly, probabaly going to be read to a bunch of employees. Somehow though I have tied my Ironman training to it.

Maybe I will post it when I am done with the final report. I am beyond embarrasment or fear of losing any readers over my personal growth and brutal honesty. Blogging has made me much more creative this year, so I am writing my report like I am being interveiwed as Man Of The Year for a magazine and the interviewer is asking me the questions loosely dictated by the questionairre. Its in a column format with pictures and blown out quotes, the whole magazine vibe. I may use Matthew McConaughey's People cover becuase according to Logic 101 its pretty close to what I look like, (If it looks like a duck and walks like a duck-its a duck) . Well Mistress says he is hot, she wouldn't marry me if I wasn't hot, so I look like Matthew McConaughey. That's how it works right, I actually got a D+ in that class, but it satisfied a math credit. Okay, I won't do that.

Yeah its late.

I also did some more work on my special top secret, hush hush, triple sealed triahtlon projects today. A 30 minute meeting turned into a 90 minute lunch followed by a 60 minute Starbucks session. This was supposed to lead to a flurry of letter writings and research but I did actual work that keeps me employeed instead, which is also why I have basically worked from 8 am to midnight. I really do think that at least one project will be unveiled next week. Maybe two. One I am still tinkering with before I am comfortable moving forward with. So maybe not until end of this month or into next.

Mistress had only one admonishment, "Don't get that wired hair up your butt to start hitting all the clubs tonight and work until four in the morning, like you will want too." See, she understands me.

Thats the second admonishment for the day. The first was, "Will you please workout today, you get weird when you haven't worked out for four days and if you don't workout today your going to be a pain in the ass tomorrow."

Well we will just see about that honey.


At 5:39 AM, Blogger TriDaddy said...

I go through the same thing when I work late. I think all the calls from the missus asking me to explain why I am not home yet tack on at least another 1/2 hour to the night!

At 6:40 AM, Blogger William said...

Well, it sounds like you enjoy your job and thats a great thing.

At 7:40 AM, Blogger Recovering Alumni said...

"Would you believe I have the huevos to tell her..."

uh, eggs?

sorry about the late night!

At 8:10 AM, Blogger Cliff said...

You look like Matthew McConaughey? Or you mean to say Matthew McConaughey look like u :)

It's good your office have a personal growth letter. It is a good way to make sure you are accountable.

At 8:13 AM, Blogger Cliff said...

One more note...A 30 minute meeting turned into a 90 minute lunch followed by a 60 minute Starbucks session

You sure you get any work done? :)..haha j/k

At 8:13 AM, Blogger Bolder said...

i heard from reliable sources, that she actually said 'going to be MORE of a pain in the ass tomorrow'...

i definitely heard it was a MORE.

At 9:01 AM, Blogger Flabbyironman said...

I hope you WERE able to get home before 4am. I had one of those 1am work nights to and I know I got an earful from Ang for working so late, but I can't imagine what the 4am earful would be.

At 9:32 AM, Blogger Comm's said...

Boulder don't confuse MORE with BIGGER...

Mica, Huevos does mean eggs literally but in slang it means, The Balls or The Guts to do something. "You had some big huevos to pull that off.", "You got the huevos to tell her that."

Cliff, I have a pretty flexible schedule. Rank has its privillage.

At 10:40 AM, Blogger Carrie said...

I love your deductive reasoning which led you to looking like McConaughey. Perfect.

I've noticed when we post in our blogs we are then held accountable by many others. So go ahead- post your person growth Mr. Man of the Year.

At 12:27 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

i wasn't going to say anything but both benny and i agreed that you did, indeed, look like mr. mcconaughey. glad that's out there, now.

i'm the same way with ben. babe.. you're driving me nuts! for the love of pete!! go. work. out!!!!

At 7:21 PM, Blogger Papa Tweet said...

I'm on the edge of my seat for your unveiling. By the way, I am really wierd when I don't workout. One day, maybe two, is OK. But three plus days and I'm grumpy. Just ask Nytro. I think that is the main reason she is so supportive of Ironman.


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