Tuesday, November 15, 2005

If Only...

...I could swim as fast in the open water as I can in a pool.

I designed my swim workout last night on the formula of meters. So in the middle of my planned 3,250 meter or 2.03 mile swim I realized I was .07% off of my equation. See thanks to Phil's nifty triathlon calculators, I know that a yard is .93 of a meter. So I only swam 1.889 miles, in a time of 75 minutes.

Because it is hard enough to remember which lap on I am, let alone which distance I am doing, I write out my plan and tape it to my water bottle. Here is the proof.

Today is the 18 mile run. I don't fear it, I have run it many times before, but its not something I can really count on being the best experience of the training week. The legs have recovered significantly today from my weekend adventures and the swelling in my knee is almost gone. Its as good as I could expect a long run to be after a long swim and long bike on race day conditions.

Stay away from the pumpkin pies.


At 6:41 AM, Blogger Battman said...

Killer workouts Commodore. I'm in awe of the long swims and those that do them regularly. You should definately do the the pumpkin pie(s). Your tastebuds need a workout too!

At 7:38 AM, Blogger Recovering Alumni said...

Taping your workouts to the water bottle - that is a great idea!

Have a great run.

At 7:48 AM, Blogger MB said...

Great idea for the swim workout. I'm so focused on keeping my head down, breathing,etc. that I forget what I'm supposed to be doing.

At 8:12 AM, Blogger :) said...

Have a good run, Comm. I will be thinking of you while I am strapped to my chair here in the dungeon (office)...

Go baby! 18 is in the bag!

At 8:33 AM, Blogger Bolder said...

Well done!

You're poised for an Ironman right now!

At 9:14 AM, Blogger Phil said...

Good luck with the run!

Nice job with the "workout bottle", I smell a patent, and a deal with TYR.

1 meter = 0.9144 yds
3250 m = 3554 yds = 2.02 miles
1.889 miles = 3325 yds = 3040 m

At 11:06 AM, Blogger TriDaddy said...

If you are not doing flip turn you will probably be faster in the open water. That's been my experience.

As for the pumpkin pies... well, you are a fellow veteran, so I will give you that one.

For me, I've already eaten my first pumpkin pie of the year. There will be another on Thanksgiving and probably a pumpkin pie cheesecake around Christmas, Ironman be damned.

At 4:11 PM, Blogger Papa Tweet said...

Sweet idea on the water bottle. I took my entire swim program and made a two sided document in Microsoft Word. I printed it out and took it to Kinkos and had it laminated. That way I have all my workouts right there in the pool with me. It doesn't matter what workout I am doing, they're all on the card. I keep that card in my binder with the rest of my training stuff. Good luck on the 18 miler, you're crazy. IMFL is gonna be a piece of cake!

At 8:09 PM, Blogger Kewl Nitrox said...

Ok, this is probably a testimony to how bad my swim stroke is, but for some WEIRD reason, I am actually faster in open water than in the pool (or shld I say I am even slower in the pool). Some tell me it is the extra bouyancy in salt water, I think it is just the fear of getting stung...


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