Wednesday, November 09, 2005

How did I miss this?

Long time readers know I appreciate ultra endurance events. How this milestone got by me is a mystery and as the resident ultra endurance geek of this website, figure that, I have some big news.

Dean Karnaze completed a 350 mile run non-stop on October 12, 2005.

I read his book and decided that he is a OCD case study but lately he is coming across as a more humble runner. I guess Pam Reed hitting Deans goal of 300 miles first does that too you, and Scott Jurek winning the Western States 100, seven straight times doesn't help. BTW the WS 100 is the hardest foot race in the United States, even over Badwater's 135 miles in 130 degrees which Scott is also the reigning champion and course record holder. But neither Pam, nor Scott were voted best athletic body ever or some such award by GQ magazine like Dean did. He and I are built a lot a like.

If you don't read the above link for Deans achievement, I copied the best line for you here;
“I ate 40,000 calories and drank nine gallons of liquid during the run. That’s what a normal person eats in about three weeks,” he said.
If you haven't read the book, I highly recommend finding it in a bookstore and just reading the first few pages detailing his ordering a large pizza, full cheesecake and a thermos of coffee in the middle of the night and asking the delievery driver to meet him at a point on the highway he would be at in hour, then eating it all as he continued running. Hilarious.

Personally I drank almost two gallons of water today doing my daily activities and running a comparitively small 17.5 miles. As a severe heat casualty I need the aqua to keep the ole kidney's running well. Hate to lose one of those.

What was that? How was my run? The run was great the first 11 miles mantaining a 10:30 pace just like I wanted. Then I struggled 12-14 climbing up just over 11 range, the legs were starting to get lactic so I walked the last 2/10th of mile 14.

Please don't flog me. I would have walked longer but thats all I had until the next mile and my own personal OCD couldn't handle rolling over the distance and still walking. At 15 I managed a 9:47 the fastest of the day and then 16-17 were right around 10:30-10:45 range but I was done.

The important thing today was to get in the miles and be on my feet for 3 hours. Running a marathon, if trained properly is not so much a cardiovascular chore on race day, more a matter of keeping the body (legs and GI specificly) together. My HR never went over 160. So I met all my goals.

I got home okay and then puked in the shower. Nice. Then got the chill shakes for 15 minutes and put on full set of PJ's and a bathrobe. I tried to carry Mighty Mo to bed but I was shaking so hard, it looked like I was abusing him so Mistress took over.

Had a nice dinner of Chicken soup, gatorade and an apple. Not nearly enough calories but my system is a bit hammered.

Did I mention at any point that I love getting IV's and can't wait to make it to the tent in Florida next year to get my fix. Yeah I use that as motivation. IV's fix me up tiki tiki (thats some Hawaiian slang for fast fast)

Today you are Favored and highly blessed. Make the most of it.


At 5:46 AM, Blogger Recovering Alumni said...

Yeah, I read that about Dean as well. That is crazy! I can't imagine...Nice job on the run. At least you waited to puke until you got home.

At 7:00 AM, Blogger :) said...

"...I tried to carry Mighty Mo to bed but I was shaking so hard, it looked like I was abusing him so Mistress took over..."

That's a pretty funny visual, bro.

I've puked in the shower too, but it involved alcohol and a cruise ship...

Great job getting the run done.

At 8:47 AM, Blogger Flo said...

Great job on the run!!! But the Hawaiian slang for fast, fast is wiki wiki.


At 9:41 AM, Blogger Nancy Toby said...

Nausea and chills after a workout = 2 signs of seriously low sodium!!

Just your friendly PSA....

At 10:27 AM, Blogger Steven said...

Dean's book was a fun read. But somehow it left me feeling sorry for his family. Do you think they "really" like to follow him around like that? I wonder.
I read in Men's Journal recently that he is gunning for 500 non-stop miles. Maybe this time instead of hitting the talk show circuit to talk about it he''' go out and get 'er done before Pam does.
He's a good guy, though.

At 5:18 PM, Blogger Ann (bunnygirl) said...

Sorry the run didn't go quite as planned, especially the aftermath. That's gotta suck. Thanks for the update on the ultra scene, though. I'd love to do some of that, but I start breaking down around 17 or so. I just can't imagine running hundreds and hundreds of miles.

Trying to eat 40,000 calories might be fun, though. I was the kid who always had room for dessert. Always.


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