Friday, November 11, 2005

A Trick or Du?

One of those days Thursday where I felt harried and rushed and as a consequence left crucial peices of life at home. After much frustration I realized I left my phone at home, then after gathering my cycling gear for an impromptu ride with the Good Doctor before the real workout I realized I left my front wheel at home. Okay, go ahead and laugh.

So we went on a five mile run. Then we met up with two other guys and I swam 1.25 miles in a getting colder lake. Hardcore Mike, the accident victim from the Soma 1/2 IM, beat me by 2oo yards with three bruised ribs and his legs strapped together. Its not embarassing because to be honest I am just glad to be alive after a lake swim. Oh...his form sucks and his legs are all 'Jimmy Legs' in the water, he is trying to straighten them out.

I am not what you would call a fast swimmer, so John, decided to practice his drafting behind me after he finished his two laps and I was still 500 meters from finishing. It actually helped me too, since he occasionally tapped my foot or swam into me. Good drill. He also gave me some feedback on my form that was very helpful. Swimming technique can be so confusing sometimes.

Finished the swim and drove out of the canyons and pulled over to get in a 45 minute trail run. Great run, elevation climb of 660 feet over 1.84 miles, (that equals a hard hill and rocky scramble). Then we ran back down. It was past sunset so we got lost on the trail and it took us a bit longer to get back to the car.

I normally don't dig the desert scenery but starting that run was seeing God's good work. The setting sunlight; that burnt autumn gold sunset, setting the superstition mountains ablaze, the crisp desert air. We actually heard coyotes howling in the distance. Amazing.

So today I got in 9 miles of running on top of the 1.25 mile swim, in a total of 4 hours of training or driving to training locations. Not a half bad Thursday. That makes 26.5 mile of running in 48 hours when including the 17.5 from Tuesday night.

Friday is a day off of training, I can't fit it in, then Saturday its a bit of cross training. Paintball. It promises to be a fun event and I am wearing my HRM to put up a Monday graph showing a sprint workout with elevate heart rate.


At 7:19 AM, Blogger Phil said...

Nice day of training.

"Jimmy Legs" ... of course now, I'm going to try and squeeze this into as many conversations as possible today.

As, in "Large coffee please.... hold the Jimmy Legs"

At 9:04 AM, Blogger Bolder said...

*laughs*... is the front wheel important?

nice swim/run combo... you da man!

p.s. was the swim with wetsuit... i'm assuming the water felt cold, not because you forgot your wetsuit too!

At 10:37 AM, Blogger jp said...

I'm reading your blog every day and getting more and more inspired. My Masters swim workout/30 min bike ride brick pales in comparison.....I need to get on it!!!

Good work, keep it up.

BTW, ever done the Lake Havasu Tri?


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