Tuesday, November 15, 2005

I gotta get me some more of that!

I had a great 18 mile run. Last week I ran 17.5 miles in 187 minutes (3hr 7min). Last night I ran 18 miles in 169 minutes (2hr 49min). Thats 20 minutes faster than last week at a longer distance.

I averaged 9:24 miles for the workout. Miles 17 & 18 were 8:58 and then 8:49. respectively. I had another high 8 minute time at mile 5 and mile 13. I never once had to walk, ate and intaked sodium on the fly with nary a slow down. My heart rate stayed right at 147-150 the whole time until I picked it up the last two miles.

I so needed this workout. I am travelling Thursday and Friday to LA to attend the grand opening of a gym we built at the LA Dream Center to help disadvantaged men and women who stay there develop a fitness routine. As we all know, a fitness routine helps improve self esteem and self confidence. Its a diversion from their often times, gritty and unpleasant life. The men and women and boys and girls who are addicted to drugs or put into prostitution or have no family, and live at the Dream Center, will hopefully be able to create for themselves a new life with the donation we provided them. Here is their mission statement.

Pastor Tommy Barnett the founder of the Dream Center. He is considered one of the most influencial pastors in the country and his church, Phoenix First Assembly, is one of the three largest churches in America. He is the Official Spiritual Leader of Pure Fitness, which is the company I started with some friends in 1998. I don't go to his church, I live to far away, so this is not chest thumping.

On a personal note our company each year collects food for the empoverished families that attend Phoenix First. Many of these familys that recieve food are just brothers and sisters who are supervised through a bus ministry because their parents stay at home. Last year our 8 clubs had a goal of 150,000 food items in 45 days, but collected 175,000 food items, feeding over 30,000 familys. This year our goal is 200,000 food items and we may double that if things go right.

So even though this post started out all about me, remember those that are not going to have any food or gifts for their families this Thanksgiving or Christmas and clean out your cupboards. Next time you do your weekly shopping, buy an extra $10 or a toy and put it in the donation box the store has up front. Its a good deed.


At 10:09 AM, Blogger :) said...

NICE RUN!!!! You rock.

Have a good time in LA, it should feel good to be a part of something like that!

At 12:07 PM, Blogger Cliff said...

I just read the last part...u are right about donation...there is so much ppl out there that are not as fortunate as us. At my fellowship we are putting together shoeboxes stuff with toys. It is part of Operation Christmas Child. The organization will deliver these shoeboxes to the third world countries.

At 8:45 PM, Blogger Papa Tweet said...

Yo Com,
Consider it done. There is no excuse for not giving during the holidays. Thanks for the reminder!

By the way, nice work on the run. You are going to rock RNR AZ. I think your goal time of 9:30/mile will be shattered. Looking forward to your race results.

Have a good business trip, your work is commendable and a great example to us. Thanks

At 12:41 AM, Blogger Bolder said...

awesome run! you're building out a huge engine that can be turbo-charged later in the season -- well done!!

i was wondering what to do for Thanksgiving, that's a good suggestion, thanks!!!

At 10:45 AM, Blogger Battman said...

Way to live the promise.

Great run too. You should tear up that course.

At 3:52 PM, Blogger Tammy said...

You started Pure Fitness?? Very cool. They have sprung up all over the Seattle area!

Good reminder on food donations, but remember these words after the holidays, too. There are hungry people all year round. :(


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