Friday, October 07, 2005


The Mighty Mo is back from the doctors. Pneunomia. Because of his low immune system and early pnuenomia she has put him on lock down through the end of January. We are to avoid putting him in any group of kids or playing with kids who could be sick which is pretty much any kid in the 'toddler' catagory.

As a bonus (sarcasism) he is back on all his meds. Back to the 30 minute sessions twice per day. Great.

Its just the reality Mistress and I live in. You would never guess by the way he is playing and acting that this little boy had a problem in the world. Unfortunately the world is his problem. Well thats a bit mellow dramatic. As long as we keep him segregated from kids that could be sick or could be carriers were good. We pretty much live like that now anyways.

Keep smiling folks.


At 7:09 PM, Blogger Comm's said...

sure thing keryn, just give me a chance to look around for some digitals

At 7:20 PM, Blogger Nancy Toby said...

Aww, poor Mo! We don't take our girls around much of anybody, especially during cold/flu season, since they're very undersized and Elisabeth's lungs aren't great. They they can sometimes amuse each other, but they don't really play "together" yet in the sense of interacting a lot or taking turns or anything civilized. Playing together at times is more like pulling each others hair and screaming. So we've been fortunate that they've only gotten one or two colds, so far. It works, as long as Mom and Dad don't bring anything home!

At 3:09 PM, Blogger TriDaddy said...

That's tough but so true about toddlers... my immunse system seems to be constantly challenged since CB has been in daycare. It's brutal sometimes! But maybe you cna find one or two kids you can keep track of healthwise that Mo can play with.


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