Friday, October 07, 2005

The United Nations will soon be the setting of perhaps THE fight of the century. You see for the last 11 days America has been getting its teeth kicked in by friend and foe alike over control of the internet. At a summit of world leaders next month and faced with international consensus, there might not be much the US government can do but acquiesce. Read whole article HERE

No, Al Gore did not invent the internet, the Department of Defence did and they gave control of it to the Department of Commerce who in turn created the Internet Corporation of Assigned Names and Numbers. So as you can surmise, the root of the internet is under control of the U.S.

The problem is that other countries like China, Iran and Cuba are now demanding that the U.S. give up control of the internet and instead give all its root servers and addresses to a 'cooperation model' run by a group of countrys that are decidedly not pro-American. The kicker is that England is now leading the charge for this turnover.

The war against democracy is fought on many fields of battle. I believe the majority of these are fought and won in the political world and know from first hand experience they are fought in they physical. It has now come to the blogesphere?

To quote Paul Revere, "The British are coming, the British are coming."


At 8:04 AM, Blogger Oldman said...

ok nobody said the UK was or is a democracy....they are not democratic like the US ie current policy regarding anit british actions...peopel deported withour trial.... Al gore will never like us give up his invention to China or Cuba or the UK.

At 9:40 AM, Blogger William said...

I don't really know how I feel about this.

I guess I would be worried the U.N would want to let each country develop their own IP standards. Idiots.

I think I'd rather the US hold onto it for now. It seems to be working fine. I never hear anyone complain...maybe the media is being filtered.


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