Thursday, October 06, 2005

Fighting the Tide

I look at all the accomplishments I have had in base building this year. Living in the desert SW, there is no training downtime due to weather, its year long baby. Maybe thats part of my problem with my impatience I can keep going and going and going as long as I want.

I am getting in some great workouts. Long runs, long bikes, good pool distance, overcoming my open water limiter; but I feel its not enough. I still see a vast arc of improvement to finish Ironman Florida next year.

I don't think I am working out enough.

I am getting in the important breakthrough workouts each week but feel like I am not getting in enough base level stuff, the progress sustainment stuff. Whats the point of running 20 miles a week if its all in two runs? How much improvement will I have only getting in one 60 mile ride a week?

I have carte' blanc from Mistress to train, its the other stuff that gets in the way. Is 10-12 hours a week enough right now? I don't think so. I'd like to think I have enough time and planning to not be overtrained but be overprepared for Florida. In my mind, which might be totally whacked out, I don't know if I will be happy with my progress until I am consistantly hitting the 18 hours or better mark each week and not seeing a plateau.

Thats only what...3 hours a day with one day off a week?


At 6:29 AM, Blogger Phil said...

This is by no means scientific, but a guy I know, who has done 3 Ironmans, inists that 10 hours a week is enough for Ironman.

It was pointed out to me that I have no plan when I train. I'm all kamikaze smash-and-grab style with no structure; which ultimately led to a burn-out.

I think you should hook onto an Ironman-plan - I think Tri-Fuel has some?

At 7:41 AM, Blogger Tracy said...

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At 7:42 AM, Blogger Tracy said...

Trifuel has an awesome 36-week plan. It starts with 6-8 hour weeks or so and builds to 18-19 hour weeks (but there aren't a ton of those). Check it out here.

At 7:44 AM, Blogger Tracy said...

Um, I mean here.

At 8:17 AM, Blogger Dr. Iron TriFeist :) said...

18 hours a week until IM Florida 2006? That's an impressive goal. Do you have a time goal for IMFL or just to finish strong? Based on what I've read on other lists, 18 hours a week is more than enough. Heck, people have had great success with "13 hours a Week to a 13 Hour Ironman" type stuff.

At 8:36 AM, Blogger Comm's said...

First off, Wil: How did you put a hyperlink in a comment box. Thanks for it by the way

Linae: My goal is to finish. Fortune favors the bold but also the prepared.

At 10:10 AM, Blogger Dr. Iron TriFeist :) said...

The comment box allows HTML tags, so, if you know the code for links, you can put links in the box. It also allows for bold or italic text.

As for your training, you have to do what you think will make you successful. The mental aspect of endurance events is very important. You can't doubt your training.


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