Wednesday, October 12, 2005

An odd thing happened on the way to a 1/2 marathon

I ran 13 miles last night.

I won't say that it was perfect but I will say its the best long run I have had since my 1/2 marathon back in March.

Compared to last weeks run, this week I ran a mile further and finished ten minutes sooner. Thats good progress I suppose. Other than a walk at mile 5 and 10 just long enough to suck down a gel and pop endurolytes I didn't stop for stretching or running pains. Other than those two walks, lets call them water stations, I clicked off almost exactly 9:54 miles.

When my pace is on, you could put it to a metronome. What I have failed to learn in all my years is that finishing kick for the last mile or two. When I am in a rhythm, I have a real hard time picking the pace up unless I just flat out sprint which is not a long distance strategy. If the pace is 7:30 for a 5k race or 9:54 for a marathon, I get stuck. I blame it on all the formation runs I did in the military. That is of course as long as I am not blowing up and losing time, which occurs much more frequently than picking up time. My ultimate stragety with each run is to log negative splits from the halfway point.

Today a 3,500-4,000 meter swim. I am going to finish with a new drill I learned from my sometime swim coach: 10x25 meter sprints on 1 minute. Take the time and add the left arm stroke for a total score. If it take 21 seconds and 22 strokes the score is 43. The goal is to lower the score like in golf.


At 2:42 PM, Blogger Nancy Toby said...

Way to go! That internal metronome is a great gift! Even splits are your FRIEND! :-)

At 10:19 PM, Blogger Tracy said...

DANG! You are really cranking out the yardage! I can't help but remember when you were struggling with 300 yards - how awesome to see what you're up to! And congrats on the run! Look out IMFL!


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