Monday, May 16, 2005

Unexpected Mo Delays

The last two mornings the Mighty Mo has decided to get up at 0330. He stays in the crib but talkative for about an hour but thats it. Mistress was kind enough to not bother me any more than I could have been to prepare for my Sunday race but today, Monday morning, we suffer together. Not sure if it has to do with potty training or the a/c being out and his room being so flipping hot.

Mistress advised me I could still go on the run, but that would just be mean on my part. We are a family first and we need to do this together. Besides its her first day back to work since last Tuesday and she needs all the support possible because we can all recall first days back to work from vacation.


At 7:44 AM, Blogger Tracy said...

Very good choice - the road will always be there.


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