Wednesday, May 11, 2005

I have been a bit hard on myself the last twenty four hours because I did not get my 60 min ride in and instead of putting a dent in that by spinning at home, I spun my wheels on the couch watching the finale of Amazing Race.

I explained it away as counting the hours I was already up, (since 0330 hrs) and was dog tired; I minimized the slacking because I had an awesome 700 meter swim, which was why I was up at 0330 hrs; I had a very frustrating evening between fixing my pool and tracking my son. But the fact is that I had a relapse of CMS for my second workout.

Today is my contracted sleep in day as per my training contract with Mistress. Boy that 8 hours was good! I have a busy morning of work and 90 minutes rehab (30 minutes core training, chiro adjustment, A.R.T and Active Isolation Stretches), thank god they are in the same club. Then I packed my bag for a noon one hour run which will probably be a hot one along a canal. Then a fast trip to the office for a shower and then a meeting at F1 Race Factory because we are having a team building conference later this month and rubbing paint is the fun part. (Side note: last year I convinced everyone to do a sunrise club of Camelback Mountain and pretty much single handedly ruined the rest of the work day for everyone as they were too tired or sore to get any work done, this year its a bit less physically demanding)

I am going to try to make up the bike by getting back to the office, getting in some work high octane style then sitting on a stationary bike for at least thirty minutes before going home.

Mistress is taking the rest of the week off to potty train the Mighty Mo so I am free of the time constraints normally put upon me and can get home a bit later.

Oh the sacrifices and juggling we multi-sport athletes have to make to get in our training times.


At 7:49 AM, Blogger Tracy said...

She's going to potty train him in half of a week? Man! You must have a prodigy on your hands there.

And don't worry about the second workout - you've done some serious work lately, plus coming off of being so sick. No circuits and microchips in there, remember!?

At 10:49 AM, Blogger :) said...

Woohoo, potty training the BIG MO! Have fun with that. Luckily, my son was great. He told us for about four months that he was going to use the big potty when he turned three. Yeah right... On his third birthday, he told me he didn't need a diaper. Okay, I guess. We'll see, I said. He just flipped the switch somehow and never looked back. It was amazing! He has only had two accidents since he was three. Both times were because he drank too much before bed time...hey, that could happen to any of us...!


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