Saturday, May 14, 2005

A good day

Had some breakthroughs today that I thought I would share, kinda makes me wonder what to post tomorrow, but why put off till tomorrow what you can do today.

Finally got the bike computer re-situated so that the cadence works. Hard to believe I rely on that number more than anything else. Worked great on my 70 minute ride today. It was a high cadence day staying around 90 rpm in the small ring. Average speed was 16 mph. I have a 5k race tomorrow and didn't want to beat myself up. I think with all the miles I will set my goal for IMFL at 18 mph average speed. If I do better than great for me. I will train for faster but 18mph is my, "Thats okay for 112 miles with something left for the marathon speed."

I got tied into a cycling group at Tribe Multisport on Sunday mornings. The will go between 30-50 miles at a clip, or thats the plan. I will start with them next week. This is good because I need to watch some cyclists who know what the hell their doing so I can build my confidence over my solo efforts.

I have a one-on-one with a swim coach this coming Thursday and then got tied into his triathlon swim practices he holds 4 days a week. I will need to rearrange my schedule or have a sit down with Mistress as the evening swim times are a conflict of my training agreement with her. Only $50 bucks a month for all the group sessions I can attend (he runs 4 per week)

Well off to church, and see what Mistress has bought at the store.


At 4:27 PM, Blogger Born To Endure said...

$50bucks?? Sounds like a bargain for all of those classes. I always found swimming with a group much more challenging and rewarding..good luck with that!

At 5:58 AM, Blogger Tracy said...

That is a GREAT deal! You'll learn a lot just by watching on some days - and I'm sure you'll find that people will be very willing to help you, too. Congrats!

At 6:26 PM, Blogger Nancy Toby said...

This is sounding like a fantastic leap in your training!

And hey, I love rants. :) Never hesitate to post some strong opinion or something controversial - that's what gives blogs their great personal flavor!

I love the Mo photos and updates, too. I'm looking forward to potty training for two someday ... not soon enough for me, of course!!!


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