Friday, May 06, 2005

Hello Hugh

While surfing my blogs I always go to Hugh Hewitt's. He has the first blog that I really paid attention to and in a way was the impetus to start my own. It was as if I witnessed a burning bush to see my hyperlink on his front page.

With my work I am driving more than sitting, so as a confessed conservative talk radio junkie, I often plan my drives during the day around talk radio timelines. The best time to get a bottle of water or stand in line at Starbucks is the ten minute window at the top and bottom of the hour. I know if I have to leave one location and go to another that if I wait just a few extra minutes then I can maximize my talk radio time. I always wanted to call a host and scream, 'I agree' but never have. Are you like me?

If you are then you also have goals that are bigger than yourself. You have a busy, sometimes stressful job, a spouse, children and little time to yourself. Still with me? Then you need to start exercising. Whether you prefer to swim, bike, run, lift weights or just walk around the block you will do yourself so much good. But have a goal. Start small and build gradually. You can't run a marathon without running a 5k (3 miles) and you can't do that without getting outside.

In fact I will make you a deal. I understand that you still may not be convinced to get outside or into a gym to workout, so bookmark this page. Everyday you are procrastinating at your computer and surfing the web come back to Common Man Syndrome and read about how I am defeating this insidious disease.

In my sidebar is the Triathlete Alliance, a handful of dedicated teachers, mothers, fathers, graphic designers, heck we even have a retiree from Florida, more ornery than any radio host. They also detail their exploits in ways that only they can express. Just one of these blogs will hopefully stimulate the deep, latent desire within you to dare to be great.


At 5:53 AM, Blogger Nancy Toby said...

Two great posts! Keep 'em coming! Even though I'd probably be screaming at the radio "I disagree!" more often than agreeing.... ;) I love the story about the women in the bike shop - I can definitely relate!


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