Friday, May 06, 2005

Oh No, She's Coming

My mother-in-law is coming for the weekend. Her mother passed away at Christmas and since she lives in another state, again but sure to be back, Mistress invited her to come this weekend, which is also the same weekend as Mother's Day and on Sunday the Mighty Mo is Blessed at our church.

MIL and I have had a lukewarm relationship at best. After ten years she has come to realize that I am not planning on ruining her daughters life and that I can even be a good guy. She MIL and I have some pre-relationship with daughter issues. Namely I was an ass as a teenager, before I was in a really bad car accident which set my life right, and MIL knew all about my being ass, as did most the town, Mistress and I grew up in. MIL never really forgave me for my transgressions and still harbors some ill will towards me. Father-In-Law (Step) is not a bad guy, I actually like him though we are complete opposites. He is a genius introvert and well I am a genius extrovert. He has said less than maybe 1,000 words to me in the last decade...that might be high. He reveres his step-daughter and when the Mo was born he looked at me said, not good job, or beautiful baby boy but...well guess I can't deny you sleeping with my daughter now.

Anyway, got in 600 meters this morning, 90 minutes of weight training and rehab last night, a 30 minute run yesterday morning. Its been a good week. Tomorrow is a long bike and I need to get an hour run in before Sunday night.


At 7:03 AM, Blogger Nancy Toby said...

You are certainly a brave man to post that out where everyone can see! Wait, let me guess, M-I-L isn't on the Internet? ;) Good luck this weekend - you can always bail out for a run if things get testy!

At 7:14 AM, Blogger Vertical Man said...

Yep, I recommend a long training run as MIL recovery therapy! And, as the father of 4 daughters, I know all about Father-In_Law's "denial!"

At 9:37 AM, Blogger :) said...

Dude, that is in-laws are actually great people that I admire very much...sorry I can't relate!

At 11:27 AM, Blogger Tracy said...

Holy cow - I agree with Nancy - you're brave ;) At least she won't be staying forever, and it sounds like you have a great outlet for the frustration! Your swim yardage is really picking up, great job!


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