Monday, May 02, 2005

The Game Is Afoot

I just finished my first post-pneumonia run and felt really good. Slow but good. I took a comfortable route and just did a really slow tour of it. In the last month I can't remember wanting to get out of bed as much and looking forward to running. I woke up twice an hour, staring at my timex wondering how close I was to 0430. You would think it was Christmas Eve or I was going to a race. The Body put up a good fight, attacking first with the bowels, but I have devised devious plans to combat my Body's unwilingness to run in the morning.

In the last two weeks the temp's have gotten much better and the sun comes up earilier so I actually saw some other people out and about. They must have thought I was silly running with a camelback and a headlamp.

Due to some meeting schedules this week I had to schedule my three therepy appointments at weird times, Monday, Tuesday and Friday at strange times, at least its in one of my clubs so there is an excuse to be there. With this periodization in May, (god its May already) having these tune ups are going to be nice.

So today begins my quest to become an ironman. It seems so far away, November 2006, yet when I catalouge my weaknesses, I understand the need for haste. So let me ask all of you a question, where do you get your goal advice for training for triathlons? A book? A coach; online or in person? Online sites? A friend? Gut instinct coupled with miles and miles of stokes, pedals and strides? I am curious?

I have proclaimed my goal to all my close friends and few others. To keep the goal in focus I have to get some support from people who think this is just nuts. So far so good. I am even considering putting something outside my office, which is next to the women's locker room and across from the aerobics room, BTW, with my goal and progress.


At 6:12 AM, Blogger :) said...

Great idea posting your progress for all to see. That will shame you into putting the miles in, if nothing else! You don't want anyone to know that you skipped a workout do you...? ;)

At 6:37 AM, Blogger Tracy said...

You know, I asked the same question about goal setting. I'm fortunate enough to have found a really great team with a ton of experienced teammates - they've all told me that you can race any race you want to, as long as you train for it.

Some people do an Ironman during their first season, or even for their first race! Others wait years. I've heard it takes a while to build up an endurance base for peak performance - but if your goal is just to finish, go for in in '06!!! That's my plan ;)

At 8:50 AM, Blogger Comm's said...

To finish is all I need. Nothing fancy, nothing slick. I know already that if I don't drown, I will finish. I don't plan on drowning, so (quick sketch of a vin diagram) I will be an ironman by Turkey Day next year.

At 8:56 AM, Blogger Nancy Toby said...

Glad you're back at it! I think posting your progress and plans is a great idea - I'm sure it will inspire many people who pass by!!

At 10:04 PM, Blogger William Lobdell said...

Brother, we are going to do Ironman Florida TOGETHER!

At 5:55 AM, Blogger soccerdad said...

way to go commodore! this is your landmark post. 522 days from now, you'll scroll back to this post and realize what an incredible journey it was.
rock on, commodore!


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